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Trust Issues

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Im having some serious trust issues. Its like every friggin time I trust someone it kicks me in the butt... I practically saved a co-worker's buttae from losing their job because she was drinking with us (Im still underage, by like 6mths). I was late for a shift because i was her ride and a beer was more important then the job... and she does this untrue evaluation and tries to bounce back to the east coast before I see it... so, i cant defend it... My recent ex-boyfriend sexually harasses me, my ex ex- boyfriend friggin cant return a call when i actually need to talk to him.. and grrrrrr, all my friends got issues they need to deal with, and i get that... so, i dont go to anyone... I have never felt this alone... because for the first time... I actually truly am.... Nobody gets me and it seems as if no one cares... god, in high school, i was all stupid, petty & delusional, only thinking i was alone and doing the whole melodramatic "woe is me" type of thing... but now, all these feeling of being trurly alone are real, i dont know how to deal and i have no one to talk to... My parents... nope... my mom is sick and stressed over her job and with my dad, its like talking to a brick wall ... im an only child, my grandmother doesnt understand, my aunt who is usually helpful wont call me back, my best buds are far away and have there own issues... my most stable friend from high school is all depressed and seeing a therapist... W.T.F.

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Hey there tynabluez09,


I'm sorry to hear life is pretty rough for you lately. It's a real shame when you feel like you have no one to turn to. I'm glad you've come to eNotalone. The posters here are understanding and friendly, not to mention helpful.


The problem I think you need to address more then trust of your friends is more faith in yourself. I don't know you very well but that's what I'm reading from your message. You've got some problems you need to deal with right? I suggest you talk to your friends who have problems and try to help THEM out. By doing this you'll see yourself as more of a pillar, then someone who needs support. It'll also help you see your own situations from a perspective you just can't grasp when you're in the situation yourself. Last but not least it'll strengthen the bond between you and your friends... perhaps it'll allow you to open up a bit more to them as well.


As for the ex? Just tell him straight up if he does it again he's not going to be able to get close enough to you to so much as yell out your name and follow up with that with a restraining order. It may seem like a lot but he's causing you a lot of tramua. You have to put yourself first in these situations.


The ex-ex? I don't think you can depend on him. He's probably just trying to move on still.


Oh and the co-workers... just keep a lot of your business to yourself give short answers then change the subject, otherwise you're in for a world of trouble.


Finally, never lose sight of the fact you're in control of your own happiness. You decide when to smile and when to frown.


I hope this has helped. I tried my best to address every situation. Feel free to PM if you need to talk about anything else.

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