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Shy Guy! Asking the ladies!!


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Hi there, im 19 now and never have even kissed a girl. I don't like to be cocky, but I consider myself pretty good looking. I have a clean face, with a six-pack and nice definition and a very nice tan. Girls seem to like me. I've never approached a woman in my life but when I go to parties it seems I'm always being approached. I had multiple girls ask me to the prom, girls ask me to go to canada during the group trip, girls straight up ask me out. I always say NO, without even thinking about it. I come up with excuses but I know its the fear that this girl might actually touch me. I think I have a phobia of touch. I can't dance with girls unless extremely plastered, and if they touch me even on my arm, my body shuts down and I move away. Ive tried and tried to talk myself up to talk to girls but just have never been able to go through with it. If you go around school with me, you would think I'm a real player because I can't go anywhere without there being a girl coming up to me. Some like me in a getting with way, others just like me because I am truly a nice guy and they like how scared I am when they approach me.

I want to change though. I want to be able to approach any girl and just start talking and maybe ask her out on a date. Ive never been on a date so it would be weird. Once again, Im not cocky, but a lot more then above average looking, so I want to approach the girls that I'm attracted to, but they seem to be the girls that are approached a lot. So my question to girls are. Do you really care who comes up to you and starts talking?? Also what is the best way to approach you? Im not a big cheesy pick up line guy. Id be the guy who talks with a huge smile and is noticebly a nice shy guy. So any advice to get through this phobia. I mean I am 19, a good looking guy, didn't even go to prom, and scared to dance with girls. What is there a man can do????

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Alright, I bet you've heard this a thousand times but you need COURAGE. You sound like a good guy and it sounds like you know you are, so what's stopping you? You're always being approached which means girls must like you, and you a confident in yourself. That is definetly all you need. And if the approach doesn't work?who cares? If she didn't like you it's not your problem.

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Next time a girl asks you out or to dance....Just say YES without even thinking, take things slow, there is no pressure on you to do anything that you dont feel comfortable with and Im sure most girls will also appriciate the chance to take things slowly...I know its rare and I love taking things slow.

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Think about it:


If they really like you, then they will accept the fact that you are shy, my gf didn't, i dumped her. Take things s l o w if your gf can't take that then she will tell you, or just leave.


Its tough, trust me. I would like to think that i can dance with the ladies. I just can't dance, alone or otherwise. It feels like i get extremly embarrassed, even if theres nothing to get embarrased about.


A warning, if you are like me, then you will always have trouble talking to the ladies to, speaking your mind. Pretty soon after you get your gf, just tell her "Look, I don't have experiance, you have to understand." something to that effect should work.

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