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Can It Be Love?


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Me and my girl have been goin out for about a month and a half.

Since the day I really got to know her I've had extremly strong feelings for her. We share alot of the same opinions and interests and have common values. I care very deeply for her and I think about her just about all the time (not constantly).


Sometimes i'm afraid i'm being obsessive about her.


Anyways, we got on the topic of love the other night. She shared with me her idea's on what it is and how it "builds up" over time. And I shared with her my ideas on how it'd different for different people.


The topic came up when I asked what was on her mind at the moment.


I'd just like to know if she is questioning herself on loving me or not and thats why she may have been thinking It. Thats one of my questions.


The other is the usual, how may I know if I'm in love?!


I love being with her, I'm always happy around her... even to just see her makes me happy. I treat her as best I can. I want to spend every night with her, but I see her every other night. Too me I feel that I love her as my girlfriend right now But i'm very unsure about it.


Another thing is, I don't want to tell her I love her, just because I feel it's uncomfortable when one person is say "I love you" and the other's just saying goodnight.


any advice on anything in the jamble of information is greatly appreciated!



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Try it. 9 times out of ten, saying you love someone to someone else illicits a wonderful response.



The first time I actually uttered the words, I was incredibly surprised to get them right back. I did mean it though.

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Well the way I look at it is "I love you" isn't a question; it's a statment. It doesn't need a response and there is no right or wrong answer. Saying "I love you" too early can scare people away because they are afriad of commitment.


Do you love this girl? Probably, I think you might, but she's right on one aspect: If you love someone it will grow and grow. You're right that different people click at different times and that's why you have to be careful on how to approach this. You don't know if she knows yet. Love is funny, if you ever experience jealousy your love isn't there yet. If you ever doubt her words or doubt her love then it's not there either. If you ever wish anything other then the best for her you're still light-years behind love. Don't worry it'll come.


Now the fact she brought up the subject of love means nothing more then she wanted your opinion and nothing less then she values it as an important emotion. The fact she said love grows and grows, might be her way of telling you she likes you a lot but she's not quite ready to say "I love you".


I say wait unless a perfect moment presents itself, something utterly romantic, then look into her eyes and tell her. If she's not sure she loves you before that she'll be sure she loves you after, for better or worse.


Well good luck and I hope this helps.

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