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I have recently reunited with an old friend who went serching for me. I have always liked this friend. About 8 years ago, I professed my feelings for him and he told me then that he wasn't interrested. Then, lol, as luck would have it, he started liking me and then I had no attraction to him. So, we drifted apart for a little while until a few months ago. That's when he found me online and we started talking again. He says that it's like we are best friends again. I would have to agree with him on that one. Well, we have been talking alot on the phone and we started hanging out. When we hang out, we are holding hands and doing other sweet things that a couple would. Because of this, I decied to ask him where he saw that this is going. He told me that he liked me but didn't know where it was going and wanted to just see where it goes. Personally, I was kind of confused about the answer and thought that it was slightly vague. I have been played by several guys in the past and didn't want it to happen again. Is this something I should be concerned about? Should I not have asked him where he saw this going?

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angeleyes - I think you should've asked him. especially if you wanted to know and are feeling a little vulnerable.


Maybe he just really does want to see where it goes.


I think you should take the opportunity to enjoy each other's company. Just enjoy being friends. Let it ride, as they say. Don't push it, don't shy away from it and what ever you do, try not to analyze it every step of the way. Just ENJOY it, be in the moment...

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I am sorry I got a little confused with the way that I read it. I thought that you implied that I should have asked him if he was playing me. lol. I follow you now. Yes, I did ask him and I am glad that you thought that was okay. Thanks so much!

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No need to ask where things are going. He's acting like a duck, looking like a duck, so...? Why be so concerned about where it's going? It's obviously progressing and you're making an emotional connection with him. If you're not sure where it's going yourself then you should cancel a date with him. Or if he tries to make a date for a Fri/Sat, tell him that you're "hanging out with a friend" and see how he reacts. This could give him a sense of urgency if he thinks he's competing with another guy. Just because he's vague doesn't mean you can't be vague too.

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I wouldn't play games. If you are nervous about where this is going, esp. after having been emotionally intimate, it's your right to know where's it going. The "go with the flow" answer may be okay, but it sounds like you are at the point of the relationship where you want more. If you do want more and he can't give it to you then, I'm afraid, you have your answer.

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