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okay so this guy im in love with is my close friend for over a year. it was clear he was in love with me or at least liked me ALOTT like in every way. now he seems somewhat distant like he only seems interested in me physically. itsl ike hes afraid of becoming emotionally attached. like we're SORTA fwb. however, we only fooled around twice and not sex ofcourse (virgins for lyfe! lol jkss but yeahh). anyways, so now the other day we were talking n hes like but we're just firends n im like yeah, you know you dont have to keep reminding me i know waht we are. and he was like okk good. yet he acts extremely jealous, and we're like CLOSE FRIENDS not like fwb, so i am emotionall attached. i love him. i really do. should i tell him? what should i do??!

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well, stringing yourself along is only going to make it worse. you can tell him and deal with his reaction or keep selling yourself short for what you can get. maybe he's just afraid that you only want to be friends.. so he's acting super protective. i say tell him!! the worst that can happen is that he says he doesn't want that from you and then you'll know NOW, instead of waiting, which will only make things worse.

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FWB doesnt work. We all know this. It has to end somehow and it is really difficult. Especially at your age. You love him, so you need all or nothing. As soon as feelings get into the picture, you cant "string yourself along". I have seen that happen alot. The guy thinks you will always just be there to fool around and he doesnt have to confront the relationship part. My suggestion: Next time you guys are hanging out alone, BEFORE you start getting all over eachother. Just tell him that if your just friends, you dont think its a good idea to fool around anymore. If he wants to keep fooling around, you want to be more than friends. If not, friends it is. No biggie.


Don't tell him you love him, it could scare him. Make it seem like its not a that big of a deal to you. Don't seem desperate. Hope it all works out for ya

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thankss you guys! its soo complicated because i know he did care alot and im prettty sure he loved me. but hes very afraid of commitment (hes never had a gf). and i didnt like him for a LONG TIME and it feels like he was into me when i wanst into him! grrrr! but lately its been strange. okay recently my prom is coming up and like hes in gr 11 so yeahh but im depressed about it because im going with this gay friend of mine and lately hes been really mean so its like i dont even feel like hes a real friend. and this guy i like was trying to get outta me that i want to go with him i could tell yet i know if i told him that he would freak out. and he has all these hookups so he was trying to get me car but like this was a conversation a long time ago. so since then ive made other arrangements so he msged me saying how he made a bunch of phone calls and he'll know by thursday so i told him thanks alot but now im going with the girls. and he got all pissed off at me. so i dont know its so corrupted. but yeah...i do love him however i know it wont work at this point. so im just not going to initiate anything i guess...lol...

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