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Depo Provera


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I was on it about 7 years ago. I took it for 3 shots so 9 months. I hated it. It made me gain weight and also I never seemed to stop bleeding. I even asked my doc how could i possibly even have sex if I never stop my flow. I knew it was wrong for me after the first shot but he insisted a 2nd shot would be fine because it needed time for my body to get used to it, same story with the 3rd shot... . after that I had had enough!

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I hated Depo as well. I gained weight, no sex drive, mood swings, UGH!!! When your periods get back to normal, I think it is pretty much out of your system. It may take about 3 or 4 months for it to go away completely.


I am now on the Ortho Evra patch and I LOVE IT!!!

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I have friends that have had bad experiences on Depo Provera, and all of them quit. You really should not be on it over a year anyway as it has a high risk for osteoporosis.


As for how long it takes to go back to "normal" - it really varies. Any kind of hormonal birth control has the side effect of messing with your own endocrine system, so when you go off it, your own system remains in a confused flux until it figures things out again. This is why when women on Depo decide they want to conceive, they often are told to stop the shots a year before they plan on trying.....because it can take that long!


I never went on Depo, but I was on the pill for 10 years, and I have to say I am SO happy I am off it now. There was so many things I never even realized it was doing to me until I went off of it! I now use non-hormonal birth control (copper IUD) and it's a tremendous change, in a very positive way!


I also participate on a forum that discusses some of the effects women have had going on and off hormonal birth control, and it's kinda scary. I mean there is so much we don't know, it was only recently they realized the patch for example has users absorbing 60% more estrogen then first thought...that can have a huge affect on some women, especially those with estrogen-sensitive risks for cancer for example.


Moral of the story? Educate yourself as much as possible. Birth control has it's hazards too, even though commonly prescribed. We often forget it is still medicine.

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  • 7 months later...
Is the shots that bad?


I gained a LOT of weight on it and had horrible mood swings. I was on it for four years. Now, my doc told me they wont let you stay on it for more than two years because new studies have shown that you loose bone mass while you are on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went off it, mainly cause I was hanging out for no periods, and it never really worked like that. But it wasn't a horror! I am glad I tried it, and now i know that it isn't a miracle, but it was when I was having a lot of sex, so it was safer than me and the pill - which I forget, and at the time I had a 'no condom' boyfriend - yes I got rid of him.

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Good experience here. I had too much trouble with pills. I tried several different brands/makeups and they all caused trouble. One I went a bit crazy on and couldn't stop crying over nothing. A second made me nauseous and dizzy. Another I bled constantly because the dosages were so small I had to take them at the same hour on the dot every morning, and I don't always wake up at the same time! If I was an hour late, forget it, I would be leaking for a few days. Ugh!


So I went with the shot, Depo Provera for 3 years. Worked great. I even stopped having periods (bonus!). My sex drive was fine and while I gained some weight, that could have been due to other factors at the time. I'd use it again considering how effective it is supposed to be compared to barrier methods and how lousy pills worked.


Just goes to show that everyone is different!

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