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Good Looks when it comes to Attraction

Kyoshiro Ogari

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Men assume all plain women are intelligent and all the flashy ones are idiots. Does that fit the sterotype of men? Fortunately all men aren't idiots, and have the ability to reason. Some of us are even sentient beings who walk upright and can hold a salad fork.

Speak for yourself. I still order the roast duck with the mango salsa.



Plain women are the ess aich eye tee.

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A) I can work for a phone sex company

B) No matter how great my personality is, and no matter how we click on the phone, once they lay eyes on me, I have no shot. Yeah I know it's only the phone, but if they were physically attracted to me, where would it have led?


Coincidence? I think not. Eh who cares? I do, that's who.


A) yes, it sounds like you could have a career option there.


B) not necessarily. you ( or really anyone) would probably be well advised to try not to get too attached or invested until you've met in person. you might like each other's voice, you might like each other's pictures, but generally not until you meet in person can you be sure whether there is a connection or not. and though those did sound like pretty bad experiences for you, it doesn't mean you're necessarily unattractive (ok, maybe you weren't those 2 girl's 'cup o' tea'), but everyone really does have different likes and dislikes.


my girlfriends and i have such different tastes, that sometimes, i've thought perhaps they were being sarcastic when they have pointed out someone who they think is cute. then when i realize they're not kidding, i say "oh, um, yes, he's cute, you should go for it!" and i'm sure that they have probably thought that about the guys i've liked once or twice too.


attractiveness is pretty much in the eyes of the beholder so don't let a couple of bad situations get you down, and for future reference, you might want to try setting up an in-person meeting sooner, so that you at least don't waste your time if it doesn't work out.

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Kyo, looks aren't everything, you know. Even if you're not the best looking stud in the room, if you've got other desirable qualities then some girls are bound to like you! Humour, intelligence, quick qit, etc. are all great qualities that women enjoy. Heck, being loyal, faithful and considerate are also very desirable qualities in a guy, women say anyway.

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