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Stupid Insecurities

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Grrr...just when I thought i was getting somewhere, i go and get all paranoid and stuff and feel stupid and upset!!


Well, basically, i was bored about an hour ago, signed onto MSN and re-added the ex, just to see if he was online. He was. I didn't speak or anything thank god! But i also noticed that one of my good friends was online. I knew my ex used to be completely obsessed by her, he fancied her loads but she messed him around by saying that maybe something could happen between them, but she always backed away when he tried it on with her (turned out she loved his best mate!).


Anyway, about two mins later, they both went offline at exactly the same time! Coincidence or not...i wonder. I'm now paranoid that he's asked her out or something and they both went off because they are meeting up. I know i'm being stupid, he can do what he wants but still i'm upset for some reason.


Everyone knows that a close friend shouldn't date an ex. But...would she? I know she wouldn't!! Shes involved with someone else but still i can't help feeling insecure and stuff.


It also didn't help that he stood and talked to her right in front of me the other day (even though when we were together he told me he went right off her and didn't want to be her friend because she messed him around).


Also, he's been talking to my friends a lot more. He told me he hated them all yet he's spoke to all of them being nicey nice and everyone finds that really weird.


I'm trying to get over him but i still care (i wish i didn't!!) argh, i hate set backs. I should be happy, he's not worth all of this!


Just as i'm typing this, my friend logged back onto MSN. Don't know why, but i feel relieved. Jealousy is soo bad. How can i stop feeling this way?

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I do agree with all the other posters that you should block him and delete him. Out of sight, out of mind. As for EH, dont you think you are coming down in kind of a harsh tone with the OP???? I know you mean well but sometimes your tone comes off kind of harsh and if I were in her shoes, I would be kind of put off by your tone. I tend to get scared off and turned off by people who come down hard on me, like I offended them or something like that. I think you can attract more bees with honey than not. Otherwise, EH, you do give great advice, just in a rather "direct" way.

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Hey hon! Ok, find something else to do when you're bored. Delete him from your MSN, yahoo, AOL, whatever. You don't need to stumble and see what's up with him when you're feeling insecure. Don't feel bad because we ALL have done it, but don't do it anymore. It's not good for you and will keep you stuck in this down in the dumps mood.


Alright, as for ex's dating friends, I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt. My ex dumped me for my best friend, I mean they started dating immediately after we broke up. They also lied to me about it when I asked, and I feel that if they were honest I wouldn't have hurt as much as I did. But it happened almost a year ago, and after some anger and hurt, I made the decision to let it go. What I'm trying to tell ya is that it could happen.


Everyone says friends shouldn't date ex's, and I agree, but it's still a possibility and does happen. What you need to do is find you, do things you like to do that doesn't involve beating yourself up over what everyone else is doing and with whom. You need to do what you like whether it's reading, sewing, shopping, collecting bugs, whatever! Just find something that doesn't involve checking up on your ex.


Oh, and I agree with Elektrahere, he's not worth your time. Focus it on someone who does--you.

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