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Yo yo yo everyone. How's it going?


Now that the pleasantries are done with, I have a... Weird issue. This isn't your typical "Help, need advice for talking to a girl!" thread. This kicks it up a notch, in to odd-ville. So, what exactly is my issue, then?


Well, it's this. Second dates. They always seem to be enormously awkward for me, far more-so than first dates even. I just realized this last night, actually, after having a date with a girl that I would really like to see more. We went to an awesome movie (Scary Movie 4) and then to a get-together with friends of hers, if you were wondering.


In any case, do you guys/gals have any advice for future dates? I'm not too sure she was digging me near the end, and I think she was, but I'm just nervous (which is highly unusual for me). So, how long is a good time to wait before calling her again? Should I ask her out again when I call, or just kinda talk? What are some good second-date ideas? General guidelines (Kissing, topics of conversation, etc)? I met her through a friend, if that matters. Should I have him see if she liked it to maybe save some awkwardness?


I imagine I'm the only one with this problem, but I'd like to get over it, so.. Also, sorry about the length, I'm not exactly experienced at asking help from the internets.

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My advise is to get in touch with her and tell her how much you enjoyed your time together and ask if she enjoyed it too. Eventually you can ask if she would like to go out with you for a pizza or whatever and take it from there.


Don't let your friend ask her any questions because that looks very immature!


Good luck

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It depends on what your style is. Are you a romantic? Are you a casual date kind of person? But, being a gentleman is always a plus. Try to think of an activity she likes or a place that she would like to go. It's always impressive when a guy puts an effort into a date and shows that he's thought about what the girl might enjoy.

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