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Has anyone ever dreamed of having sex with an ex?

Whether that person or yourself moved on into better things?


I mean is it wrong or sinful and silly and dirty?


What does it mean if anyone knows that this thing kind of happens? Share your thoughts.





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Dreams of sex with an ex? Sure.


Is it wrong, sinful, silly or dirty? No dice.


What does it mean? Absolutely nothing. It's a dream.


I had a dream the other day that my boyfriend dumped me. I was totally naked. It doesn't mean anything: he'd never dump me while I was naked

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I had a dream the other day that my boyfriend dumped me. I was totally naked. It doesn't mean anything: he'd never dump me while I was naked


Hehe I was looking that up a few weeks ago on a dream website and apparently dreaming that you are naked means that people can see your transparency, and whatever you have lied to them about in the past they know now. The clothes that you normally wear is representing protection, so it is just the opposite. This probably doesn't relate to you but it is all quite interesting!

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I share orgasmictofu's sentiments.


What you should really worry about is whether you sexually fantasize about an ex~


I wonder fantasizing about the ex is healthy? Does this mean I have not resolved my issue of truly getting over my ex? That can't be it can it.


I can't be some psycho can I? Yikes I did the obsessive thing years ago scared my ex to death felt gulity but happy that he is out of my life. Yet depleted he is not there wioth me on better terms which is what God had intended.

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I wonder fanticizing about the ex is healthy? Does this mean I have not resolved my issue of truly getting over my ex? That can't be it can it.


If you're fantasizing about an ex in a purely physical form, with no emotional undertones, and it doesn't affect your day to day life, or make you sad of what you once had, you're fine.

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If you're fantasizing about an ex in a purely physical form, with no emotional undertones, and it doesn't affect your day to day life, or make you sad of what you once had, you're fine.


Then if it really affects me in an emotional way -oh my God- I might need medication for this one.

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Then if it really affects me in an emotional way -oh my God- I might need medication for this one.


Medication? I don't think they've made the pill to help you get over an ex quite yet.


All kidding aside, what I mean is that if you're fantasizing about an ex and you're hoping for that feeling, holding onto the hope that you might get back together, that might not be so healthy. But if you have a dream about the ex and you can't shake the memory of the dream for the day, that's ok. If you're fantasizing because you have feelings for them, you need to take further steps to get over that ex. If you have a dream where everything is all cool, you can't control your dreams, nor do they (arguably) mean anything.


See the difference?

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Medication? I don't think they've made the pill to help you get over an ex quite yet.


All kidding aside, what I mean is that if you're fantasizing about an ex and you're hoping for that feeling, holding onto the hope that you might get back together, that might not be so healthy. But if you have a dream about the ex and you can't shake the memory of the dream for the day, that's ok. If you're fantasizing because you have feelings for them, you need to take further steps to get over that ex. If you have a dream where everything is all cool, you can't control your dreams, nor do they (arguably) mean anything.


See the difference?


Thank you so much for clarifying this it makes total sense even now

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I'm a heterosexual woman, but I've had dreams about having sex with other women, sometimes as a woman, sometimes as a man. Neither have turned me gay or made me seek gender reassignment.

Mostly I think its my brain staying entertained will my body is resting.


I've been taking sleep pills since August because I've had some serious nightmares and stress related anxiety the crops up while I sleep. I work with orbital mechanics and have had bad dreams about things crashing into planets and getting fired and all those lovely things. When it was only once every now and then I didn't think anything of it. When I went nearly a week without any real sleep because it was so disturbing and troublesome, I went to the doctor. No good doctor will give medication for sleep problems unless they are seriously affecting your life. Drugs that a used as sleep aids are fairly strictly watched since they are so easy to abuse or become addicted to. Don't think you need drugs and pressure your doctor into giving them, go to your doctor and ask them what options you have first.

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of course its normal. Its even normal to fantasize about exes. That person was a part of your life. It would be more abnormal to stop having thoughts, dreams and fantasies about someone you once did.


Happens to eveyone, all the time.

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