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is she playin me like a piano? or are we good friends?

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OK, I met this amazing girl about 2 weeks ago ... We are about the same age (mid 20's), and live next door to each other (I just moved in last month).


She is by far the best looking girl I've ever been friends with. But, we met on the terms of her telling me that she's moving to florida in a month .... so from the start I had NO expectations of a lasting relationship so I could be myself without being all nervous ...like most guys are around hott girls.


We have been hanging out most evenings after work and maybe a couple days on the weekends too. We get along sooooo well. We can sit and talk about life, work, family, relationships, or ANYTHING for hours. I'm totally amazed that we have so much in common.


So, I'm beginning to really like her ... but I know I'm not gonna "date" her .. especially once she moves 1200 miles away. But I really want to keep in touch, and she has mentioned a strong desire to not only keep in touch, but to visit each other also ...


I still think she's way out of my league as far as a g/f goes ... but when I mentioned that to her she said if it wasnt for my lack of confidence, (and for my eyebrow piercing, hehe) I'd be perfect!


"Perfect" ???? Umm, what does she mean? Perfect to date her? or perhaps Perfect as in a good catch (for another girl?)??


I just don't know what to think. My friends all tell me I should just try tyo kiss her or something to find out if she is beginning to like me as more than just a friend also. But, I almost think I would rather just continue to be her friend until she leaves and not ruin it now by making a stupid pass at her. Not to mention the thought of doing it makes me weak in the knees and butterflies in my stomach. (I feel like I'm 15 again)


I'm afraid if I let her go away without at least expressing some form of interest in her beyond just being friendly, that I will NEVER have a chance with her again.


To this point we have not even hugged or anything. We go out to dinner a lot, and we both ask each other out or over to the others apartment all the time. We both just REALLY enjoy being with the other person. And we do really romantic things ... like chase a storm to the beach only to watch the lightning in the distance... or sit in her candle lit bedroom talking about life ... or take a walk alone on the boardwalk. It just seems like everything we do, we have a lot of fun.


PLEASE .. am I crazy? what does she REALLY think about me? what should I do?


Is this yet another cliche case of .. "another time, another place" ?


Thanks in advance (and thanks for reading a long post by a newbie



*heart in limbo*

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Let girls give you the road map, but then you be the driver. Hmm...so she says you lack confidence. Get over that first. Tell yourself why you deserve this woman (forget her looks...she is sick of guys who can't get beyond her looks, which is one big reason why she likes you).


Once you have that confidence, I think she'll drop a bigger hint about you two being more than friends. The visits was a big step in that direction. Oh, and get rid of the eyebrow pierce...lol...unless that's really important to you. Take her out somewhere, if you two drink, have a few drinks. Make this a "going away" occasion. Then watch her closely. If she has that indescribable look of wanting to be kissed, then kiss the girl dammit. Just go for it. What have you got to lose? A long-distance friend? One who's really hot but you go crazy about because she's so far away? I'd resolve this thing a bit more before she leaves, if at all possible. "Just friends" with a girl you're attracted to is just not practical in the real world, and you and every other guy knows it. If she were attached, then by all means be just friends and hit on her friends. lol But she's interested, you are...go for it.

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