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Could Someone Explain to me What Happened?


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Okay, this situation happened a year ago. I'm with my wonderful boyfriend now. But something happened to me last year that I don't think I will ever understand without someone's help.


A guy from my summer school class and I had this underlying 'thing' where we would kinda give each other the eye and call to remind each other about class assignments and such (basically finding silly litte reasons). Then at the end of the session, he asked me out. I said yes, then we decided on a day. On date night, he called from his cell and said he was at work and once he got off in an hour, he'd come straight over to pick me up. Well turns out he didn't come pick me up until TWO hours later.


So while driving on the way to the movies, we're chatting and talking about likes/dislikes, common interests, etc. Then when we get to the movie theater parking lot, he say's "I want to get to know you better and talk to you some more. Do you like beignets? Let's go to this little cafe." So I agreed and we began driving and talking again. Next thing I know, we're pulling back up in my driveway. And I say, "I thought we we're going to a cafe??" His reply, "Well, yeah but I have to get up early for work in the morning remember (during our conversation he had told me he had an early shift)." So I was like "Ummm, okay..... And I got out of the car and went inside and metally crossed him off my list. Neither of us called the other again.


Of course now (and even then) I can laugh about it, but can any of you guys or girls tell me why I had a date that lasted all of 35 minutes?

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I think he's very weird.........


You know there are many weird phenomena that exist in this world......one of them is understanding the human emotion.....


I am glad it didn't go that far though....imagine if it did....you could've been in a much worse emotional rollercoaster. Thank God you didn't get hurt or anything (I hope not....)


You'll find someone better ^_^.

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Just a comment on the time thing (TWO hours). When a guy says that I'll be there in a little while, it almost always means four hours. Generally, when we tell our friends that we're busy and we'll call them back...it could be three days.


Those are very general statements, and in our area seems to be the rule of thumb. But I've noticed women's time concept is more on target with reality, and it often creates...some interesting scenarios as to where the dude doesn't feel like they've done anything out of the ordinary, but one of the first lessons of dating is don't be late.

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Oh, he definitely missed out, I've been with my current boyfriend who's wonderful for almost a year now. I just thought it was a weird situation and hilarious at the same time. And do you know that when fall semester started, that same guy just looked at me and spoke as if nothing happened. Some things I will just never understand.

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Bizarre! Maybe he was really nervous, or maybe he suddenly felt a stomach virus coming on, or maybe he couldn't afford the movie or beignets? Anyway, it's a funny story, and I'm glad you've moved on and are laughing about it!

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