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things that i miss

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The things that I miss

I miss sitting on the balcony on a hot summer night watching the world go by.

I miss snuggling on the couch smoking a jay watching the finale of the shield

I miss waking up 15 minutes early to watch you sleep

I miss your family and you super cool mom whom I fell in love with

I miss calling the dog DOG

I miss looking for new and exciting places for us to go

I miss dining and conversing with you

I miss making everybody jealous of us

I miss your surprises

I miss making love to you

I miss making googly eyes at you and you telling me what are you looking at

I miss finding ways of making you happy

I miss holding you

I miss cooking for you

I miss making fun of people for saying suposebly

I miss lighting those candles before we make love

I miss sending querky picture messages

I miss making you laugh

I miss loving you

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Aw. I'm sorry you are feeling this way, but at least you are good at expressing it.


Those were the good things, and we always want to see and remember the good in people. It's not healthy to dwell on the bad things and get angry, but also don't forget about the bad things completely. I am sure there are some bad things that caused the relationship not to work and that those are things you don't miss.


On a lighter note:

watching the finale of the shield


I'm so mad at that show. I can't believe they killed poor Lamanski with a grenade. I liked his character and he was also the only cute one! I felt so bad!




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Hey there sukerbut,


You worded that very beautifully... I remember making those lists, and actually I think that being able to miss the good things is also a sign of healing. In the first phase I'd make angry lists, merely out of spite, of things I wouldn't miss. You will know you are over her when you can think of these things and experience it as a positive feeling and realize that there were plenty of things not working between the two of you.



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I hope you are moving on from your ex fairly well. Although there were many things about my ex that I did love, I am starting to realize the bad things and these are the things that are helping me to move on. Up to even a few weeks ago, all I could think about are the good things that I miss about her, but now, all I'm doing is focusing on her negatives. Not because she was only bad, but to push myelf to completely rid my heart of the longing that I still have for her. It really is starting to make me feel that I am better off without her.


I suggest you try not to only focus on her positives only because it will keep you holding on to her for longer.


Also, I've read that you are dating someone new. Is this situation fair to your current GF? I'm not judging, just wanted to know where you stand.

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my man the reason i became this crazed loonatick is becasue of her..believe me .. i know and will never forget her negatives...TRUST me on this one...and there were tons..the only thing that i am pissssed off at is that i did not handle my business like a man. i bizatched myself out to her..when i should of held firm...but missing her and the good times outweigh the negatives ... It has taken many months to realize that she and i are over AGAIN for the third time..lol The things i did for her i have not doen for any one else and i will cherish them forever. i enjoed writing this...i read it about 100 times and reminised those memories...do i long for them sure i do...but they are over..she is just a stranger now..some one that i do not even know any more..as for the new girl..i give her my attention and we have discussed about my ex and so on...listen right now no one can replace her..hopefully love will flourish with some one new one day...if its with this one then so be it..but i am not going to sit here and wait countless months to heal without some one..she actually has helped in the healing process and i respect her even more for the help, but in no way is the realtionship as intense as it was with my ex

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