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The week with no birth control pill


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Yes, as long as you are taking your non-placebo's correctly the rest of the month (meaning at about same time, everyday, etc).


Of course, there is ALWAYS a 1-5% risk of the pill failing.....due to user's actions or body chemistry, etc. That being said, I was on pill for years and regularly had sex throughout my cycle no problem.


The week off them is a withdrawal bleed, but the last week off pills prevents you ovulating that "off week" and as long as you start them up again on time and take them correctly you will be prevented from ovulating after it as well.


The whole idea of the combined pill is to prevent ovulation so you don't get pregnant, as well as to make it more difficult for sperm to reach an egg if you DID ovulate, and make it hard for it to implant if you DID ovulate and sperm DID reach it. As long as you take it correctly, your chances are fairly low.


There is still a risk, but the risk of getting pregnant during the placebo week is no higher or lower then any other week. Only you can decide what risk is worth it, and what isn't.

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Something I found out from my doc, the element Chromium, which is often found in dietary suppliments and diet pills can contribute to a higher risk of pregnancy since it makes the ova more easily penetrated by the sperm, even while on birth control. Its a nice little substance for boosting you metabolism, but it does carry a risk.

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Ok Diva,

Maybe I'm being a little bit hyper for you, but is your man using a condom???

I got pregnant on the pill and also on the contraceptive sponge that was eventulally taken off the market.

My first OB doctor used to call me fertile Myrtle, as he delivered my first 4 kids and I have 7.

Don't get me wrong, as I Love all of my children unconditionally and are a blessing to my life.

I guess the main question would be, "If you got pregnant, could or would you want it?"

How stable is your mate/lover and would he want it?

There are alway's a million reason's to not have a child and maybe just as many to have one.

Have you sat down with your significant and discussed the "WHAT IF'S?

You both really need to do this and is most important because a child doesn't have a choice in mid-creation to be born or not and is all on you and your mate.

No child should be born to live a life of abandon and (I'm not saying adopted out even though it may be an option), but to come into the world and not be totally Loved and Cared for.

There are so many things to think about and I would be more than sorry to see a child born and not be taken care of as it should be.

I am not judging you by any means, but just some stuff to think about.

With the fact that I have had 7, I had 2 born with birth defects and God saw me fit to make them whole!!!!! Thank The Lord!!!!!!!

My first was born with Spina Bifida (open spine) and is of the 2% that survive without complications.

She is married with 4 beautiful children of her own. Thank The Lord Again!!!

My 5th child was born with Dandy Walker Sydrom which is another Central Nervous System Disorder "CNS".

Most Dandy Walkers don't come out without some mental retardation or physical drawbacks, but I was blessed once again and my daughter is going on 12 with above normal intelligence!!!!!

I was will my first husband for 9 years and was a total waste, because I believe I was married to the devil himself!!!!!

You would not want to go where I have gone and so much of your life and happiness are based on what choices you make, so think about it very deeply!!!

I am so not judging you, but there is so much to take into consideration about pregnancy and I was just fortunate to have a husband that could handle all of this and provide us with a good stable home and Love.

Honey, I want you to take some real time to think about the future and the "What If's".

Protect yourself from all, be safe and I will say prayers for you!!!


Good Luck! Lita~

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Something I found out from my doc, the element Chromium, which is often found in dietary suppliments and diet pills can contribute to a higher risk of pregnancy since it makes the ova more easily penetrated by the sperm, even while on birth control. Its a nice little substance for boosting you metabolism, but it does carry a risk.


I was taking chromium (voluntarily for the metabolism boost) and on BC and my doctor never mentioned a problem and i never got pregnant...I quit taking it because I never saw any results after taking for about 6-8 months...I just thought it was interesting that you mentioned that...


As for placebos, I'm going to start taking mine, b/c i've switch pills and these new kind (estrostep), the placebos contain iron to make up for the iron you lose when you have your period. They are really dark brown pills though, and kinda gross me out, but i'm not sure why, lol.

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