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my ex hates me!!!


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I just pretty much found out that my ex hates me. It all started 3 months ago. We were seeing eachother for a couple of months. It wa kind of secret relationship, because we didn't want a bunch of folks in our business. One night at a party, he seem liked he was flirting with every girl at the party, and I called him the next day to talk about it and during the course of the convo, it came out that i told my firends about us and he felt like i talked to much to be pepole about our business. I found later on that I told the wrong people about my feelings for him and they told others and added more on to the rumor. Since the convo we have been distant. I tried talking to him during the time apart and got no response. I would hear little trickles of stuff here and there but I was still clueless. Anyway, now its present, I heard that he told people that I was basically stalking him (which I was not) and that I ran my mouth too much about he and I. I was also told that he doesn't want to see me, hear me, be around me and want nothing to do with. He thinks that I'm shady and that I spread rumors. The only out the way thing that I did was tell one of firends that I hurt him and that I wish I could set things straight. People constantly tease him about me. I can't prove my innocence to him because he doesn't want to talk things out with me. I just want to die. My heart feels like it has been crushed into pieces. Why won't he hear me out or forgive me? I don't even know what is being said. Maybe I shouldn't have told anybody about he and I, because I obviously told the wrong people. I still kept a lot of whats going on to myself. I loved him so much, and now he hates and there is nothing I could do. Please help me because right now i hate myself and I want to just crawl in a corner and die.

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Why was the relationship such a secret?...Are you both young or involved with other people?..I don't understand that part, when you go out with someone whether it be just dating or serious, there is no reason as so why it should be secretive.


Initially and my gut reaction/thinking is that this guy wants his cake and to eat it. I mean this in the sense that it almost looks like he still wants the single life of meeting and flirting with others but likes the idea that there is someone in the background to fall back on, sounds cruel I know, but it reminds me of my situation so I sorta can see it happening to you.


What to do? Well only you know deep down how you feel. Are you upset because you miss him and care for him, or because you are being rejected? Because none of us like rejection and sometimes that and the fear of being alone can make us do silly things like stick with it...


In your case, he is spreading rumours or whatever about you and you need to gather your friends together and get their support and basically forget this guy. Learn from it, learn the lesson that going out should not be a secretive act and if so, there is a reason for that...learn from it hun...


take care

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We were secretive because it is a small school and didn't want everyone in our business. Also I didn't want to everyone to know we going out so that if we break people would be taking sides at school. I didn't want to make the guy uncomfortable. Now I have to see him everyday and I'm depressed.

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