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everybody dislikes me, makes fun of me calls me fatass,fatty, fatshyt whatever to get in my nerves everytime i go to the lunch line they say "dont hurry the food aint gonna run away" or if i hold whatever they will always say make sure u dont eat it. my grades are bad my life is bad my parents are probably ashamed of me. i like never listen to them no one understands me. i tried going on a diet but then my friends i known for years just made fun of me and even made a bet i wont even last an hour, all my friends wear blue green and other colors and only one day i wear blue or red they start calling me a wannabe gangster and stuff everyday i think of just suiciding and get ridden of these shameful things.

also one time this kid invited me to go to taco bell or something after school, then another kid came by and said no dont he might eat all the food. at thatpoint i just wanted to take my anger on beating the shyt out of him but i didnt. now all i think about before i go to sleep and before school i just think of suiciding AND EVEN MY SIBLINGS MAKE JOKES ABOUT ME.

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Hey Steven,


I am sorry you are going through all this. It hurts to be ridiculed, people have no idea. I realize that at this point it is little comfort, but when you are done with school, and will start working/studying, you will see that people will be focused on themselves and less on their surroundings.


I don't think your parents are ashamed of you. I think you should talk to them (if you can), and tell them about your feelings. It's not surprising that grades get lower when you feel depressed. The point is that you need to get out of this negative spiral. First of all, if you want to lose weight, you do this for yourself and not for your 'friends'. And if they can't be supportive, they are probably not your friends. You don't need a diet, just eat healthy, no junkfood or sugared sodas, and start exercising regularly.


Running is a great way to get rid of your anger and burn calories at the same moment.


I hope you'll feel better soon.

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Is there any kind of clubs at your school that you can join?


Sometimes joining an activity will distact your mind from thinking so negatively. People in clubs usually think more positively because

they meet friends and they share common interest. Dont join a gang pleae, there is nothing but drama in a gang and most people in gangs

only pretend to be your friend.


Can you get a job?...a job will benifit you in the long run, you will make money and friends...how fun huh?


These people at your school who have a problem with you eating aren't

your real friends, they only make fun of you because they have nothing

else to do. They don't like themselves and they are just trying to take

the attention off of them and on to you, unfortunetly its in a embarrasing way.


I wouldn't fight any of these kids. Keep being yourself, hang in there.

Focus on your work and grades, that is def. the most important

thing to do.


I know your having a hard time right now and I don't blame you, but

I promise to you that this will pass... in the early future you may even laugh about how personal you took this... ..


Dont let these kids rule your life and know you are bothered by there comments, simply ignore them and be the bigger man, turn the other cheek.

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hey Steven,


I used to get ridiculed at school i was tall and lanky with red hair - nightmare!

I don't know how old you are but i promise you this;

when you leave school you will be amazed. when your there it feels like that is the world. when you leave you will very quickly (and so will all the skinny kids) that looks, weight, hair etc are meaningless. your body is a shell and the people who get along in this world are ones with integrity and good personalities.


school is all about uniformity, they try and encourage kids to be the same, learn the same way and that's why anyone who is differant stands out.


being differant is much more interesting than blending into the background eventually.


try and eat healthy for your health in later life and dont tell anyone your doing it. force yourself to go for a run (any distance is better than none). do it in the morning when it's still dark.


and finally, when i look on friends renited to check out what all the popular people from school are doing - it cheers me up!


good luck kid, keep your chin up. this will make you a stronger person

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Oh bro, I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through.


Kids are such * * * * * * * *.


Each one of them should be handed a Grade-A * * * whipping for being such jerks. You have every right to want to beat their asses, and if I was nearby I'd join in!


I can only imagine how tough it is to be in your position.


I think you have some issues to deal with, but I know suicide isn't the answer. Have you tried to talk with your parents regarding whats going on and how you're feeling?


How about your brothers and sisters. Have you told them how much hurt their teasing is causing you?


Weight is a hard thing for a kid to deal with without having to deal with the kids being mean.


1) Tell your parents whats going on, and have them contact the school and arrange for a sitdown between you, your parents, the school administrators, the kids, and their parents. Let them know that you intend to press charges on every single one of them if the teasing and harassment doesn't stop.


2) Try to talk with the school counselor. If that's too personal, you can try to meet with a professional counselor instead. You can contact the local courts to get the lead on one, or ask your family doctor. I really think it would be a good idea for you to see someone to help you through this time.


These aren't easy things to do, and it'll take a lot of maturity to do them. Honestly it's your parents, and school's job to ensure that you have a safe environment free from harassment.

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I'm sorry about what you're going through buddy. People can be real jerks, and it's all about them feeling better about themselves.


But hey... you CAN change the way you are. Get into a sport. You have a pool nearby? Go swimming everyday. Lose some weight. Get motivated. You've gotta go hard if you wanna lose it. I hate to be the one here that is suggesting that you need to lose weight, but it will make a huge difference in your life. Eat healthy and get LOTS of exercise. You have to make a routine for yourself. Go swimming for 30 minutes every day. Make yourself TIRED. Eat less. Look up how many calories someone your height should eat a day, and figure out how much you should be eating. MAKE sure you avoid fatty foods. You CAN change, but like someone else said, do it for yourself. You will feel much better about yourself knowing that you were able to change your life. And when you've done it you can shove it in those jerks' faces.


But for now, you've gotta learn how to make fun of yourself, it will completely diffuse anyone that is trying to make fun of you. If someone calls you fat, just grab your belly, smile wide, and say, "damn right,I worked hard to earn this". Take it on the chin and no one will be able to take advantage of you.

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I know what you are going through.I was always called names,teased,beaten up from elementary school through jr high.

In high school it wasn't as bad.Don't think of killing yourself as a answer or a way out because it is not the answer to anything.Most of us have felt like doing that at some point or a few times in our lives,But we get by and talk to someone and eventully our lives will improve somtimes slowly but it will get better.If you want to loose weight do it for yourself not for anyone else.Also your friends don't really sound like friends to me if they are making fun of you.Your friends should be sticking up for you and trying to help and support you.Kids are cruel and will find a reason to make fun of someone for any reason if your too skinny too fat..etc.Hang in there.




I agree with LostInMyThoughts:

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Been there. I got teased pretty bad for being the fat kid in school. Thats how I got the nickanme iceberg. It has to to with my last name, someone made that connection and as it turns out I apparently sunk the titanic. lol. People are jerks, what do you do.


Somebody in this thread mentioned turning things around on those making fun of you and kind of "joining in". They never expect it. When you say that instead of six pack, you have a whole keg, it gets a great reaction.


But I turned all the stupid comments into motivation and started working out. I grew into my frame and pretty soon all the skinny punks picking on me shut up pretty fast. But hang in there, you will get through this.

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I know just how you feel, you feel C**P you hate your self and feel no one will ever love you and you will never find happiness in your life. I hated my self for years because others told me I was bad.


My dad gave me some of the best advice I have ever had, he said

"If the worlds queuing up to kick you, why are you standing line to join in?"


By that he meant why believe others when there not acting in your best interest.



What you have to do is start to “Believe in your self” you don’t need any one to tell you

Your good or bad, you should “know” you’re self because there are going to be times in your life when there’s no one there to ask what is right and wrong.

Its as lonely a place as you are now but if you live your life the best you can then you

Shine and others will see it. My Sig is the old Roman motto “Truth, Strength and Honor” you may have seen a cut down version in the film Gladiator.


It was used by the Equerry class who believed if they upheld thaws virtues

No matter what they would have a chance to show there worth to others and throw

That show what it meant to be true noble Citizen.


But it’s only a mature culture that looks for thaws virtues at the moment you are not in a

Mature culture, your in a school full of adolescents to them virtue is “who is cool” “who looks the best” “who’s the bully” as you grow you will find this stuff falling away and others will looking at what you do, not what you look like.


Action specks louder than words act like you believe in your self and “know” what you do is right and true. Then you will see others start to believe in you.


Do things get out into the world, find groups to join, take responsibility for things and always, always believe in your self.

Keep doing that and you Siblings will start to look up to you and will others.

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  • 1 month later...

Work can be hard, but you'll learn to like it. Id just keep looking if i were you.


School activities aren't usually interesting until you actually join and come to it everyday...It gets more fun once you actually have joined it. You may not have interest in it right away, but itll come, just like work.


Goodluck dude

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