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Quick response w/in the hour please


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It’s up to you, but if it was me I would say


Say “Sorry not tonight I have commitments I have to do, but I would love to another time let set a date etc.


Or some thing like that, says all the right things,


1: You’re not a push over

2: Your interested in helping her or/and her

3: Means you stick to commitments you have made before hand.


If she’s into you she will ask again.


That’s My take on this.

But Im no expert

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No way dude, tell her you already have plans, doing this for her is sending the wrong message. Do you want her to think she can use you?


Plus telling her you already have plans says something else, "yes, I have a life". Always an attractive trait. Trust me on this.

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Dont set a precedent for yourself of dropping other things in your life for a potential or actual partner. It's a bad way to teach yourself to behave.


I agree with the recommendation about chatting with her, explaining you have a conflict tonight otherwise you would be happy to, and ask her out for coffee in the process!

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I agree with everyones replies to you on this.


Since it seems to have been sort of a last minute request by her, asking you to work for her, then I would say just explain to her that on short notice you can not change what you already had planned for the night and you must keep your prior plans in place.

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well, you wouldn't even be cancelling your plans for a date with her but to cover her work shift!!


I say that is pretty weak of you if you do that... since, it sounds like you aren't doing it to help her out, but, just to maybe get a date with her!

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I couldn't wait for all of your replies because it was a that moment deal, so I decided to just make that last minute decision myself.


As fate would have it, I called her to see if she got anyone to work for her yet, no, she said it was a "call in"(i just have to call an hour before the shift to see if I have to come to work), so mostly I won't have to work if this dude shows up. And that study group got rescheduled to Thursday.


Then I asked her out for coffee..."sometime". Yeah, I think I messed up there, but I'm not good with thinking on my feet. She said yes, we have each other's numbers.


That sometime part really bugs me right now and I'm trying to think of ways to set the date, but I believe I'm starting to break this barrier of asking girls out. I've already got a date for Saturday.


It's just something I have to work on I guess, and I'll overcome it just like I overcame being shy. I see myself getting over problem during the summer, becoming set in my sophomore year.


Still I need to think of a way to set that date! I have a few ideas, I'll most likely do #1 if I don't get a quick reply:


1) If I'm sure I don't have to work tonight, I'll just call her and say something like ,"lucky for you and me, this dude showed up. so about meeting up for coffee, is friday good for you?" and take it from there.


2) Do it last minutish, early on Friday, call her and see if she wants to meet up for coffee.



PS: You know what would really help, if you helpful people could PM me your AIM or MSN s/n's. So I could get instant help/tips/guidance. I need a wingman bad.

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A girl from work, that I like, called left a message, asking me to work for her tonight. I feel like I should call her and tell her yes and ask her out for coffee too.


BUT I've got a meeting to tonight for a club and a study group.


Priorities man, priorities. Worry about finishing school and then worry about the women.


Besides, that isn't exactly the ideal situation to ask someone out.

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1) If I'm sure I don't have to work tonight, I'll just call her and say something like ,"lucky for you and me, this dude showed up. so about meeting up for coffee, is friday good for you?" and take it from there.


That sounds like a good one.

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you don't need a wingman, you need to start making decisions.. if you got the date, would you every five mins excuse yourself and grab your laptop and chat with us on MSN asking for what her latest body movement meant?


but hey, she gave you excuses, ball is on her court. That could be a test whether you'd call again (The Rules, anyone) but you know.. just relax, if it doesn't work out then try something else.

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Dude, I've got lots of other girls to ask,.


you don't need to take that attitude with me, judging the problems you have making even the simplest decision by yourself, that arrogance doesn't really suit you at all.


Like I said, relax

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