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heartbroken..one time too many.


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There was once a girl i used to know that was like an angel. she was such a nice girl and would treat people the way she would like to be treated, was friends with everyone and always had a smile on her beautiful face. she was in a serious relationship for 2 - 3 years and when her bf broke up with her, that just absolutely crushed her, because she loved him very very much. i always wondered why he broke up with a girl that was nice to him and everybody, cared for him alot and was very loyal. i was there for her after the breakup just as someone to be close to so she didn't feel lonely. i could feel her pain.


months went by and we were still good friends. we became close and she left her new bf to be with me, cos he treated her like crap. we were intimate and fell in love with each other. she gave me her heart and loved me so much. i ended the relationship with this angel because i was stupid and an idiot for doing so. that once again crushed her.


even after i ended it we were still intimate with each other and that just made her confused. she left me and is now dating a guy she rejected when we were together.


the thing is, she has changed so much. when she left me i still loved her. i didn't think in a million years that she could be so cold hearted by the things that she did.


my question is, what caused this girl that was like an angel to change so much? she turned into everything that she never wanted to be. was it because she was so badly heartbroken twice? i miss the girl that she used to be. the one i fell in love with. anyones thoughts would help. thanks.

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She is cold hearted because she is frightened of being hurt again. Just like me, she was caring, loved always probably thought of her partner before herself and on two occasions feel deeply in love only to have this thrown back at her.


The fact that after you both split up you were still initimate, maybe giving her the impression that you could be back together confused her deeply hurting her even more. She is now protecting herself, just like I will do. She, like me thinks that she will never give in to love again, NEVER give her heart away, whats the point, if you are nice and loving and caring it obviously doesn't work, it only gets you hurt...so why be nice?


You were wrong to have stayed initimate with her, and now you are watching the product of your behaviour, learn from this and never ever do this to anyone again, because it hurts so very very bad when it does

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