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I am in love w/my best friend and don't know if I should tel


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I have been friends with a man for the past 7 years, about 5 years ago we made a pact between us that we would never have sex or date eachother (it was my stupid idea) So that we could be close forever because I SUCK at relationships. I was in love with him then. I have been running away from him because I don't think that I should tell him how I feel. Sometimes are harder than others, I usually just distance myself from him until I can see him again and not give away how I really feel. There have been so MANY times when I have wanted to tell him. We talk about EVERYTHING that there is, my relationships, his relationships and everything in between. Everyone is always saying that we should be together, assume that we are together, they say that he has feelings for me and that I should just tell him. I am so scared that if I tell him how I really feel about him and he didn't feel the same way it would make things weird between us. He is always there for me no matter what, and vise versa. WHat do I do, do I tell him how much I love him or do I settle for being friends forever? HELP I don't know what to do. It is so damn complicated. We are both single.

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Hi there,

Well i guess my question is to you....can you spend the rest of your life wondering ...."what if he would have said YES, i love you too. "

Risk Risk Risk.......take it....regardless of outcome...close your eyes....and jump.


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Yea.. isn't life all about takin chances? u shouldn't think bout things, just do it coz u kno, chances are u'll neva b able 2 predict the future.


What if he's just feelin what u're feelin, someone's gotta spill it out sonner or later, sure u might screw ur relationship ova for a while but at least he'll kno and u might get a chance in the future. Like me, i was in the same situation and now me and my really good friend's 2getha.


So what if u do screw up the friendship, if u're so close already, it'll just take some time b4 u're back 2 ur old friend style again coz like it's virtually impossible 2 drift away from best friends unless u don't do anything about it.


Happy Heb

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