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Why are women so naive?


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LOL stupid people. People need to learn their rights. This isn't a taliban state or some other dictatorship.


Refuse authority, don't be sheep.


Become aware of politics. Are you going to join some dictator's army...because its the patriotic thing to do?


Darwin: 1

Sheep: 0


Cruel and unusual punishment isn't tolerated in this country(United States)


When bad things happen, why must it always go back to blaming the victim- for not being smart enough, savvy enough, educated enough? Why not focus on the sick criminal instead of the victim?


I suppose some of it is a defense mechanism....in that we can fool ourselves into believing the world is a safer/better place if we can justify bad things only happening to "stupid people"....or "sheep"


I think the focus needs to be taken off why these women "let" this happen- and instead place the focus on the sick jerk who went around and did this. He's clearly the one with the bigger problem mentally. They exercised bad judgement- however he commited the crime.



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When bad things happen, why must it always go back to blaming the victim- for not being smart enough, savvy enough, educated enough? Why not focus on the sick criminal instead of the victim?


I suppose some of it is a defense mechanism....in that we can fool ourselves into believing the world is a safer/better place if we can justify bad things only happening to "stupid people"....or "sheep"


I think the focus needs to be taken off why these women "let" this happen- and instead place the focus on the sick jerk who went around and did this. He's clearly the one with the bigger problem mentally. They exercised bad judgement- however he commited the crime.



Precisely! Why do the victims get berated and criticized while there has been NO mention of the guy who did this!

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Generalizations. Oh how horrible they are. The point has been made not to generalize so I will say no more on that.



WOW. I don't think anyone in their right mind should ever allow a person they do not know into their home let alone someone offering to do something that requires to touch you in private places! I could see, how going to a hospital you may not know the procedures so if your doctor was sexually assaulting you, you might think that maybe it was part of procedure but to let a stranger offering to touch you for free into your house, sorry but that's just plain not thinking. What a horrible thing to do though! Trick innocent people into a false sense of security. Who's going to say "No you're not a doctor"? What an a-hole! I'm glad that woman called the police!



As far as the other link about the fake officer, I'm sorry but if I was told to smack a naked minor in the buttocks I would call the police just in case. That poor girl! Her mother had lost her job and now she was the source of income. She would have left had keeping her job not been so imperative. Apparently this fake officer knew a lot about the employees he would get employers to violate. How dare they take advantage of a young woman's (or anyone's) financial situation!? That's just wrong! I hope these guys rot in hell forever!



That just goes to show that the world ain't all bad but there are sickos out there. *shudders*

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People just aren't socialised to question authority. We are trained to pander to it and please those in authority. Some more than others, but we all possess it to some degree. Possibly it stems from our pack animal instincts, but they were victims, and the man who did this to these ladies, a predator.


As for the fast-food incident, not just the girl but all the people involved were victims of this urge. These were just normal people (whose jobs and training in the service industry may have lead to them being naturally more accommodating) who did the most awful acts because of a percieved authority and now have to live with it.

They were no longer in control of the situation and when people are no longer in control they can go along with the most awful things (holocaust anyone?)


There have been a number of studies and cases that have shown people will only make a move if someone else does so first. Humans are not solitary creatures (for the most part) and are conditioned that way. (for a good example look up kitty genovese.)

Having to buck authority, for most people, can be an extremely paralysing thing.


It is extremely easy to say, 'I would do this and not that' but until you are in the position of having to do so, unfortunately you can only assume that your reactions would not be so different as the ones taken by those involved.

Which can be an incredibly sobering thought.

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Tyler, his name is Stanley Milgram and yes, it was a scarey experiement on conformity. I urge anyone here whom is interested to read up on it. Pretty scarey stuff. There is no way an IRB would approve such a study this day and age.

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Oh that's the Milgram (electroshock) experiment..


You can read about it here: link removed


Those experiments showed that 65% of people would be willing to "shock" a person when they were instructed to do so by those running the experiment.


30%+ of subjects administered up to 400 volts against a person who yelled and screamed as the voltage was increased in steady increments.


(P.S. the people being shocked were not REALLY being shocked).


There is also a experiment called The Third Wave - very, very interesting experiment (and scary) about people can fall into conformity. The professor basically "demonstrated" how people fell pray to the thoughts promoted my the Nazi Party and Hitler, as they had questioned how people could go along with it. He started a process that had the students all too responded to the experiment by conforming and believing...interesting stuff.


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There is even a book based on the experiment.

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The whole point about this sort of deception is that it is perpetrated against people who don't know or have no reason to suppose they are being deceived. And to make fun of them for that is not fair or reasonable.


It's bad enough they were violated without making the situation worse by mocking them for it.


Scammers are successful because their schemes involve conning people into thinking they can make easy money -they play into greed or naiveté.


But this sort of thing plays into people's fears and that is far worse because the victims have no other motive than in trying to avoid being scared. What happened to them is contemptible and it should not be compounded by mocking them.

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What happened to them is contemptible and it should not be compounded by mocking them.


I assumed that one does not act without knowledge he will be recognized--even without intending to. This is merely a recognition of ignorance; if it attracts an acerbic tone, it is only received for he who made an ignorant decision.

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I does depend on the community. Some places where there are no hospitals and the only form of medicine is a free clinic run by over worked nurses, a doctor making house calls is not unheard off. In the deep south where there is still allot of ignorance and illiteracy, my family is from south Georgia and north Florida, doctors and people of higher education are regarded with both fear and respect. If the community this happened in was rural and the women had seen a doctor at their home in the past, it may not be so off base for them to see this person as legitimate.


This man preyed on their ignorance and abused a position of authority. He should be the focus of this thread, he should be the one that receives your ridicule. Not the VICTIMS.

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I assumed that one does not act without knowledge he will be recognized--even without intending to. This is merely a recognition of ignorance; if it attracts an acerbic tone, it is only received for he who made an ignorant decision.


"Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all."

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British politician, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature. (1874 - 1965)

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What this man did was certainly wrong and perverted, but those women complied and then they called the cops. Who's to say they did not only enjoy this roleplay, but were manipulative females with the real authority.


Surely what Oganden's co-workers did to her was perverted, but for the love of butterflies, the 27 year old was obeying orders from someone over the phone.


Who's commiting the actions of sexual abuse here?


The voices on this phone or those hands?


BRB I got a phone call. Why it's from Officer Doogen, hmm you've been charged with theft and possession of drugs. He's telling me to strip search you and dump your clothes outside. Now he's telling me to tell you to dance and sit on my lap. He just told me to slap your butt, I'm sorry (Not really yee-ah!)

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What this man did was certainly wrong and perverted, but those women complied and then they called the cops. Who's to say they did not only enjoy this roleplay, but were manipulative females with the real authority.


Surely what Oganden's co-workers did to her was perverted, but for the love of butterflies, the 27 year old was obeying orders from someone over the phone.


Who's commiting the actions of sexual abuse here?


The voices on this phone or those hands?


BRB I got a phone call. Why it's from Officer Doogen, hmm you've been charged with theft and possession of drugs. He's telling me to strip search you and dump your clothes outside. Now he's telling me to tell you to dance and sit on my lap. He just told me to slap your butt, I'm sorry (Not really yee-ah!)


I am a male but I have a wife and daughters and female friends and I found this post offensive.

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In the United States everyone deserves a fair trial. Being lawyer means being faced with moral complications. Someone has to defend the bad guys...and win.


This forum isn't a court, this isn't a trial and we are not lawyers. Defence lawyers may be required to offend people - we are not.

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What this man did was certainly wrong and perverted, but those women complied and then they called the cops. Who's to say they did not only enjoy this roleplay, but were manipulative females with the real authority.


So do all women deserve rape and sexual abuse because underneath it all they really are enjoying it? So would you blame the women with a knife to her throat as just being manipulative and compliant? The girl who gets pulled into the alley and brutally raped and beaten, well she was wearing a mini skirt and a red top, she really wanted sex that night anyway. Do you not care for the fact that THESE ARE PEOPLE! with feelings and emotions just like yours, they hurt and are going to spend the rest of their lives with this.

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What this man did was certainly wrong and perverted, but those women complied and then they called the cops. Who's to say they did not only enjoy this roleplay, but were manipulative females with the real authority.


Surely what Oganden's co-workers did to her was perverted, but for the love of butterflies, the 27 year old was obeying orders from someone over the phone.


Who's commiting the actions of sexual abuse here?


The voices on this phone or those hands?


BRB I got a phone call. Why it's from Officer Doogen, hmm you've been charged with theft and possession of drugs. He's telling me to strip search you and dump your clothes outside. Now he's telling me to tell you to dance and sit on my lap. He just told me to slap your butt, I'm sorry (Not really yee-ah!)


Yes, I also think that this is offensive.


But yes, a crime was committed either way. It is illegal in the United States to practice medicine without a license. So if he is giving breast and pelvic exams without a license, he should be arrested.

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