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Why are women so naive?


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No freakin' way!!! (


Holy Schnikes!


Well, I certainly don't think that's indicative of women as a whole being naive. (see DN's post of generalisations) But those two were sure pretty gullible. And thay guy!! WOW


What a brave man. I hope he got enough to carry him through his jail term.


The Pree-vert.

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I am sure you meant "why were THESE woman so naive?", right? The experience of 2 women does not equal the behaviour of the other billions of woman in the world.


Of course I would not have allowed that, but I bet you he was targetting women without insurance, or without access to proper medical care, and whose fears of breast cancer were present. They were easier prey.

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Please, please do not generalize like this. Like RayKay and CarnelianButterfly pointed out, there are billions of women out there and they will not do something like this. I too, would have called the cops.


A more appropraite thread title would be, why are SOME women naive or what makes some women call the cops and some women prey. And just because other people generalize about men and porn does not make it right for you to do it either.

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I agree with Ta ree saw!!! No freakin' way!!!


Also with the Generalizations. The topic wouldve been ok if it said "why are some people so naive?" but well you get my drift.


How could anyone let a doctor into their house that isnt their normal doctor?!?!

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A lot of people, both men and women, trust doctors implicitly. Using the doctor persona, to sexually assault, could and has worked well in the past. We trust doctors to keep us well, or cure our ills. It's not suprising that this worked on a small number of women. Actually, one of these women was with her BF. The "doctor" told him to leave the room and he did!

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This isn't just a case of these women being incredibly naive but of the way in which we're conditioned to respond to people we percieve to be in a position of authority.


There was an even more horrific example where a man rang fast-food chains identifying himself as the police and managed to get people to sexually assault a victim he had chosen. Very disturbing.


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There was an even more horrific example where a man rang fast-food chains identifying himself as the police and managed to get people to sexually assault a victim he had chosen. Very disturbing.


Oh, yeah...I saw a report on Primetime Live or 20/20 or one of those shows about that guy.


I gotta wonder what people are thinking. Or more accurately, "Why aren't they thinking?"

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LOL stupid people. People need to learn their rights. This isn't a taliban state or some other dictatorship.


Refuse authority, don't be sheep.


Become aware of politics. Are you going to join some dictator's army...because its the patriotic thing to do?


Darwin: 1

Sheep: 0


Cruel and unusual punishment isn't tolerated in this country(United States)

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Aggierocker, it's easy to say one thing and do another. When in a situation where your pretty much cornered, perhaps it isn't so easy to resist, like you seem to believe. In theory, I fully agree to fight like heck about it. But i also know, i'd probably be terrified had I been one of those females.


Those girls probably felt confused and scared, and were being told by someone in authority what to do, the managers should of known WAY better, but still, it's tough to say what you would of done since you were not IN that position. One of them was a 14 year old girl, yikes. That is an age that is confusing enough.


Girls & women are also often taught that if you are threatened with violence if you don't give in, you should do whatever it takes to protect your physical life even if that means having them assault you for example.


I have a very close friend whom was sexually assaulted by two men she knew, of course she tried to resist, but when you are overpowered, it is very difficult.


I know another girl whom was raped by coworkers whom she had trusted, she was confused, overpowered and scared.


I of course would make every effort to defend myself, but I also would be concerned about protecting my life first and foremost.

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The whole thing about the guy posing as a doctor and the women letting him into their home for an exam is so very strange. No , I would never have even opened my door to someone I did not know , much less open the door and let him in, and NO NEVER would let some one convince me they are a doctor and do an exam on me.

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LOL stupid people. People need to learn their rights. This isn't a taliban state or some other dictatorship.


Refuse authority, don't be sheep.


Become aware of politics. Are you going to join some dictator's army...because its the patriotic thing to do?


Darwin: 1

Sheep: 0


Cruel and unusual punishment isn't tolerated in this country(United States)


How are you not being cruel by your statements here? You are making fun of 2 PEOPLE who were violated in one of the worst ways possible. Have you ever thought about how you would feel if you were raped, because men can be raped and taken advantage of just as easily as women.

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How are you not being cruel by your statements here? You are making fun of 2 PEOPLE who were violated in one of the worst ways possible. Have you ever thought about how you would feel if you were raped, because men can be raped and taken advantage of just as easily as women.


Yes these two people were violated but not by force but by deception. These people had a choice and unfortunately they let their fear and good judgement get the best of them. Now we have no extrensic facts as to why they decided to let the examination be performed. There is speculation that about why these people did this but we dont know what is needed in order to make and informed inference. Im sure that they do feel violated but they are responsible for making a wrong choice and while the examination was wrong they felt the need to consent. In the least you can say that these people did not make a informed/intelligent choice and suffered consequences for doing so. Making light of their poor choice should be justified.

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Coercion and manipulation are far more insidious tools of violating someone. Just because they weren't beaten or held at gun point doesn't make their pain and suffering any less.


Or are you going to tell me next that all the children tricked by strangers posing as police officers are to blame and had a choice in their situation?

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