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I'm breaking up with her today.


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Sorry I think that was a weak thing to do! Perhaps you are the reason she is having these "problems" you allude to. When her head clears up I hope she realizes she doesnt need a weak and meak man that has to do his dirty work via email.


Weak or not. Its quite clear she is unable to behave in a manner that would indicate maturity. If you have talked to her over the phone and she is intent on not taking you seriously and trying to keep you through blackmail etc. I would just end in any manner that would achieve the result that is ultimately better for both of you. She seems very unwilling to listen. Like the saying goes "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink." You cannot make her listen to you, nor should you, if she is lacking maturity to step back and respect your veiw then yeah send an email and leave it at that.

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After reading the posts again, I don't see anything wrong with communicating over e-mail, if it is meant for you to truly communicate your situation. It sounds like you are already talking, but It would be great if you mentioned in your e-mail you were willing to discuss what you wrote and that you wanted an opportunity to express yourself with out being interrupted. I find writing to be a very good way of communication. If you are willing to address her questions and talk afterwards, then I don't see anything wrong. Good luck.

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Email is was exactly the right thing for you to do in this situation. You have demonstrated you have a lot of difficulty in dealing with conflict with this woman and you have tried numerous times to tell her how you are feeling. She has responded in a ridiculous manner and has basically brow beaten you into continuing this relationship which has been very unhealthy for the both of you.


You do need to work on your fear of conflict. But not with this woman.


I would normally agree with others about advising of such a thing via email but in thios case I think she has left you with little choice.


Now you need to stay strong and cut contact with her. You will both get through it eventually.

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LOL, Melrich. Hey, why not with her? Nothing like jumping in the deep end to learn how to swim!


I don't know if this is rhetorical or not!!??


She has a problem and past history says she just goes completely irrational when confronted by the reality of this relationship. I don't think it is wise to be learning new skills in a situation with so much vested emotion. And I suspect no matter how well or badly sirkin was to handle this break up, her reaction is going to be the same.

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