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Short men?


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I would like to hear from some females on this. I am a fairly short man, about 5'5 and 170lbs. I can honestly say that I have an athletic body and am fairly nice looking. Why are women so caught up in mens' height? I mean, I have plenty of female friends who have tried to set me up. They see my pic and then want to meet me until they find out how tall I am. I mean I have actually overheard conversations with my friends on this is, why they wouldn't go out with me. Although I am a pretty confident guy, this makes things really difficult to be confident around women sometimes. I mean the friend that I sometimes go out with is 6'3, which doesnt help matters any.

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Why are women so caught up in mens' height?


I think this is a massive gender stereotype and is certainly not representative of ALL women.


My husband is the same height as me and it has never bothered me. If some women feel that way about height and would rule a man out based on that alone, then they are probably not the one for you anyway. They are probably caught up in stereotypes of their own and not very genuine about their approach to relationships.


Height is a preference, like any other aspect of physical attraction- but I would say in general, that you should look for a woman who puts more important matters (like personality) high on her priority list, and one who does not discriminate against people based on their height.



They see my pic and then want to meet me until they find out how tall I am




You have to view it as their loss.



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Flipside of this was a girl like my stepsister. My sister is tall, shes close to 6 foot and had allways had trouble finding someone that wanted such a tall girl. Shes married now to somoene that is the same height.


I on the other hand am very short only 5'2". Your height wouldnt be too short for me! However, Im married so counts me out haha.


People come in all sizes and if they would judge you based on your height they are not the person for you. There are some shorter females out there so chin up, a friend of mine she is only 4'11".

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Not all women are concerned w/a mans height. I'm 5"4 (average height for a woman I think) and the last guy I dated fit your description on height and weight. I adored him. I didn't care at all that we were so close in height. He was pretty insecure about it, but I tried to make him as comfortable as possible. I was proud to be seen with him, till I found out what an * * * * * * * he really was. Now maybe if I were taller, I'd want a taller man.


Be more confident with who you are. Confidence, to me, is more attractive then a man's height.

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I agree, it is not all women whom are this way. I have dated men whom were shorter then you and it was certainly never an issue for me! One of my female coworkers is 6', and her long term boyfriend is 5'5".


Some women AND men have height preferences, but certainly not all. If they rule you out for your height, it is their loss, as I bet they are missing out on a wonderful man. The one whom deserves you will recognize that!

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I guess I am the "other" women out there. I am 6'0" and I want someone who is at least my height or taller. It may be a picky thing but I don't want to be taller then my man. If some women can deal with someone shorter then more power to them. I just wouldnt feel comfortable with it.

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Thats exactly how I feel. On the flip side (I hope I am not looked at as shallow) I am not attracted to hefty women. I have even met some really nice women with great personalities, but I was just not attracted to them. Some of my family has labeled me as shallow because of this. Others have said that is not shallow and those are your standards. I can say that I treat all women with great respect, no matter their body type. The way I feel is that I work really hard to stay in shape daily, and I would prefer that a woman that I date have some similarities in that aspect. Height is something I can't help though.

I just don't want to sound like a hippocrate.

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Thats exactly how I feel. On the flip side (I hope I am not looked at as shallow) I am not attracted to hefty women. I have even met some really nice women with great personalities, but I was just not attracted to them. Some of my family has labeled me as shallow because of this. Others have said that is not shallow and those are your standards. I can say that I treat all women with great respect, no matter their body type. The way I feel is that I work really hard to stay in shape daily, and I would prefer that a woman that I date have some similarities in that aspect. Height is something I can't help though.

I just don't want to sound like a hippocrate.


We all have preferences. I prefer athletic, fit and outdoorsy types basically because I myself am very active, in shape and outdoorsy, and like someone with whom there is a compatible lifestyle, and mutual interests. I also take care of my health and want someone whom feels the same.


It's normal to be attracted to certain people, and not to others for example. That's fine. It's just how some women won't be attracted to short men, however some WILL, and some won't care either way as their preference may be more that you are in shape, height be damned. Make sense?


You will meet women whom DON'T care about your height, and some whom will. Some won't meet YOUR preferences, some will. Eventually there is a match or two

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I think it's pretty cruddy that anyone who otherwise was interested wouldn't go on a date with you simply bc of your height. Very much their loss!


I do understand preferences, but don't get why a gal would lose out on a good man over something so unimportant.


Love is strange. I've had preferences for certain physical characteristics, but sometimes Bam! I've fallen for someone with traits I would never have guessed I'd find sexy. Yet I do.


Try not to freak out about it. There are so many women who this is not an issue for. And for the ones who find it an issue - well, it probably wouldn't have worked out anyhoo.

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Think its because women like having someone who they feel can protect them. So they want someone taller than them and physically stronger.


I prefer shorter girls, although I do see some taller girls who are attractive, I guess in a way I would feel less manly if I was dwarfed by my gf.


However at 5'5 you are taller than a lot of girls still so I cant see there being much of a problem, unless of course you like taller girls, in which case I feel my first sentence might be a reason for why the girls are not happy with your height. Its a possibility anyway.

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Hi Jumper, when i first saw the stat's that you listed, the first thing, that came to my mind was, 170 sounds a little high for 5'5". (Since you're asking). You can't control your height but you can control your weight. That might be putting some girls off, more than just your height alone. Have you checked out your Body Mass Index? Here I will post a link:


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Or, just go to Google, and type in 'BMI'. It does look like you're pretty close to being clinically obese. Sorry Jumper, I hope that doesn't come accross as brutal, if that's too much honesty let me know, because I don't intend to be mean, just telling you the truth, which is presumably what you were asking for.

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You can't always go by BMI since it doesn't take into account your bone size. (I'm small boned, so I border along the lines of being underweight, yet I'm perfectly healthy and actually within my ideal weight. It just doesn't take into account that I'm very ectomorphic, not mesomorphic.)


As for height, I'm glad to see that women here are unconcerned with such matters. They told me in school that it is biological for women to pursue men who are tall (a sign of strength and protection), but that doesn't mean I blindly follow all the jargon they spew out either. lol

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Hi Jumper, when i first saw the stat's that you listed, the first thing, that came to my mind was, 170 sounds a little high for 5'5". (Since you're asking). You can't control your height but you can control your weight. That might be putting some girls off, more than just your height alone. Have you checked out your Body Mass Index? Here I will post a link:


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Or, just go to Google, and type in 'BMI'. It does look like you're pretty close to being clinically obese. Sorry Jumper, I hope that doesn't come accross as brutal, if that's too much honesty let me know, because I don't intend to be mean, just telling you the truth, which is presumably what you were asking for.

Like I said before, I weight train 5-6 days a week. I play tennis and run approximately 9 miles per week. I am very active and in great shape. Believe me. Its not fat.

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Not all girls are hung up on men having to be tall. It's funny, I myself am attracted to guys who around my height (5'5) I find something really attractive about shorter guys, never been that attracted to tall men. I always thought it was odd because I know a lot of girls are attracted to very tall men. I guess not everyone.

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Dude you're not short, I'm 5"2 at 130 lbs with a 4 inch erect penis.


Too funny!

Personnaly, I think one of the reasons that I started working out so hard was because I was short and felt like, if I couldnt do anything about my height, I sure as hell can do something about my physical appearance. As time went on though, I no longer thought that way, and just though about my health. Just a thought.

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BMI is extremely inaccurate for people whom weight train or are very physically active and develop muscle mass.


It's a basic guideline, but there are too many variables where it does not account for muscle mass for example. In cases like that, other measurements (like body calipers, or buoyancy tests, are much more appropriate).


170 is heavy for 5'5" if it was all fat, but with a lot of muscle mass, it is not inconceivable at all that he can still be in great shape, since muscle weighs a lot more then fat, and also takes up less space then fat does.


As jumper said, when they see his picture they are fine, it's when they find out his height they are turned off.

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I had a friend a little while back who was quite short (5'6" or so) but he was like 200 lbs. of pure muscle. The guy was a former body-builder and worked out constantly. He wasn't a bad looking guy, if I may say. However, he had the personality of a shrew (an arrogant, haughty, cocky, jerk-of-a-shrew at that), so women could not stand him. He was constantly putting others down just to make himself feel superior. Well, the women he liked didn't much care for that, nor did I.


Haven't spoken to him in almost a year. Wonder what he's doing now? lol

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i think there were a couple threads a while back asking women if they preferred the look of extremely muscular men, and i think almost every single women said no. all but one or two? am i right? most likely some women will probably tell you they don't mind it, but they also might be saying it just to make you happy. i would replace weights with walking or aerobics, at least sometimes. But if you're happy with the look it doesn't make any difference to me and i say, go with it, and more power to you!

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