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How do you ask someone out? AVOIDING THE FRIENDZONE


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How do you ask someone out??? Exactly how do you word it?


I have the guts but I don't know how to word it.


And here are the questions people aren't answering.


I found her on facebook (its an online college community like myspace). Should I just add her as a friend on there, and then send her a message (saying what?)


Or should I just take that chance of just waiting to see her again to ask her (again how do I word it so I'm not freaking friendzoned?)


Backstory: Ok I met this girl while sponsoring the documentary Invisible Children. I was stopping by the booth one day, and mentioned to her I was heading to the deli and if she wanted me to get her anything to eat. She came with me and we ate. I begin to like her, and now I'm going crazy right now because I want to tell her something but I don't know what to tell her. Later that night, at the documentary showing, I saw her again and just said hi. Also, my excuse would probably be I was too busy helping with the stuff.

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Have you been able to gauge how she acts when she is around you? Maybe try and ask her out with a group of friends, and let her know that she can invite some friends along as well, at least that way she will be a little more comfortable, and you won't feel under as much pressure at the time... then just take it from there, maybe catch a movie or go for a nice walk along the beach? Something like that...

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Hm, thanks, but it doesn't matter because I feel the vibe that she digs me. I can give you list of things but I might just be over analyzing.




1) I need to see her again


2) I don't know how to word as in ask her out.


From what you said, do I say "Want to go out with me and my friends?"

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How much work did that take for you to copy and paste all of my threads?


I'm using this message board for advice hmmmmmm. Is the concept of a message board where people help other each new to you?


Posting all of my threads and saying I need to hone on them is kind of redundant...


1) How do I hone in on in dealing with my dad cheating on my mom?


2) How do I hone in on not having sex with my dad's girlfriend?


3) How do I hone in on hating my shortness from time to time? BTW I like my height now that you people have said a lot of girls ARE my height, and I just noticed that a lot the past week.


So read before you post please. Silly goose.

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It didnt take me long at all. Sometimes it takes a visual to get people to realize they are saying the same thing or could make those decisions for themself. You are right your dad and his g/f thing you couldnt have "honed" a skill for that.


I do read the posts obviously I am aware of what you have asked as of late.

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Ask her out. If she says 'yes', then good. If she says 'no', then move on and ask someone else out. Who cares? It's not the end of the world either way. You did it for practise and to build confidence for a better girl after her if she says 'no'.


On the other hand - if you have the balls, and you are in a good mood, you could say. You say, 'You know what, I think you are cool and I want to know you more, why dont you come and join me for coffee sometime?'


Instead of asking if she wants to go out with you - you are asking her to give you a reason not to follow your suggestion, and it is sort of in a more confident tone that is not really seeking any sort of validation from her and simply comes accross more naturally - so it's phrased a bit different.

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