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The unfortunate organ with considerable malice and hatred for it's owner


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So at the beach the other night on a full moon.


Random crazy people came down and went skinnydipping, inviting all to join.


Alas! Alas!


I wished to join in, but upon nuding up in presense of already naked indivividuals, I knew that certain emotional stimuli would manifest itself in a most unfortuneate biological reaction. It happaens often, I swear, just because I know it could, and I wish it would not and alas....




So, I'm looking for some magic answer... the golden key... kind of the equivilent to Anti-Viagra. Though, not nessercerally talking medication...


... and so on...

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*grins* Thinking about other things ... ever actually tried to NOT think about something (especially things like that!)


I always found at that age that nervousness about being seen in the first place actually tended to keep things under control.


One perhaps seemingly odd method is to masturbate before you're going to be somewhere that this would cause an embarrassment. It tends to alter chemical levels for a while. Depends on the person though, the recovery period tends not to last long especially when younger.

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LMAO! Don't worry. Or don't go skinny dipping Or think about a granny in the crowd of skinny dippers... Honestly, as a woman I can offer no real solution, I just know that I take this particular biological reaction of my bf's ehm... 'device' as a compliment.


Where you laughed at?



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I don't mean to laugh...


....but HA HA, I don't have this problem. Sorry for joking.


More seriously, I've heard - and like I said, I don't have one of those....things.....that if you imagine an eldery family member engaged in the very act that is causing the problem, not only will the issue deflate itself, but you may experience some stomach cramps as well.


I don't know if it really works but it seems mental images and thoughts in a different direction, if you will, could only help.


But on the flip side, maybe you could learn to love and embrace your lil growing buddy and wear him proudly!

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I was thinking that the cold water would probably take care of it?


Other than that there's really not much else you can do to combat it.....prevention might be possible by using Ash's advice, but even that is no guarentee.






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