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Online stalking???


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Myspace, facebook, whatever. It just seems so easy to have information available about a person you like. But I just think its so cheap.


Look I think I like this girl, and I came accross the girl's profile (she was in the same online group as me). I haven't gotten the chance to ask her out yet, and I'm tempted to just look at her profile.


What do you think?

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want a success story.. I dunno if you like in toronto or not.. well I do. and I met my current GF which is my first GF at link removed. we have been together now for over 5 weeks and I have never been happier check it out. its not bad

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I agree with Ocrob on this.


The information is there for a reason. When I post things myself on MySpace I realize there is potential for anyone to read it, she should too. So its pretty much open to the public for reading including yourself. Who knows what you may find out, sometimes its interesting to see a bit about people via that source.

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Just I'm afraid I won't have another chance to talk to her again, to ask her out, and I feel like using this facebook to ask her out.


If I see she's in a relationship according to her profile, I won't waste my time with her.


I only went to lunch with her today, spontaneously. But I liked the feeling.

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I would hope so...you're 53...according to the information you've given.


Should I add her as a friend? This just feels impersonal and wussy. I would REALLY like to meet her in person again.


Dammit. Its bugging me because I saw at the documentary showing tonight but I was so bogged down with helping my crew.


Yes, I'm thinking about it heavily right now, and I hate it.


Please help me.


And I appreciate the answers so far just so you know.


I've never been in a relationship either.

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What you need to do are these 3 steps.


1. Turn off the computer

2. Go experience life

3. Make some decisions on your own


If you follow these 3 steps your life will change gaurenteed!


If you are indescisive in your real life as you are on these boards you will repel any great girl that comes in contact with you.

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"Go experience life"


* * *


Ok, I do a lot of stuff outside my room, and tell that to my roommate who basically lives in this room, he has a girlfriend BTW.


I'm just really worn out from today. Here's just today:


6AM-11AM: Work

11AM-12:30PM: Class, I was 10 minutes late, didn't miss a thing

12:30PM-12:40PM: Had to grab sleeping bag for public statement at the plaza

12:40PM-1:30PM: Lunch, with that girl

1:30PM-2PM: Chilled with the booth people

2:20PM-3PM: Class

3:10PM-3:50 PM: Read a few chapters

3:50PM-4:10PM: Class let out early

4:20PM-6PM: Finished reading a few chapters at the dorm

6PM-6:10PM: Ate a TV dinner

6:10PM-6:40PM: Browsed the web

7PM-10PM: Helped my crew with the documentary showing

10:30PM: Back at dorm, tired, I wanted to go run 5 miles, but my feet are burning from tae kwon do, and I have a headache.

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...I'm just really worn out from today. Here's just today:


6AM-11AM: Work

11AM-12:30PM: Class, I was 10 minutes late, didn't miss a thing

12:30PM-12:40PM: Had to grab sleeping bag for public statement at the plaza

12:40PM-1:30PM: Lunch, with that girl

1:30PM-2PM: Chilled with the booth people

2:20PM-3PM: Class

3:10PM-3:50 PM: Read a few chapters

3:50PM-4:10PM: Class let out early

4:20PM-6PM: Finished reading a few chapters at the dorm

6PM-6:10PM: Ate a TV dinner

6:10PM-6:40PM: Browsed the web

7PM-10PM: Helped my crew with the documentary showing

10:30PM: Back at dorm, tired, I wanted to go run 5 miles, but my feet are burning from tae kwon do, and I have a headache.


When did you have time for tae kwon do (I mean, it's not on your schedule)?

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I've been in a relationship and had a simular situation. The guy I was dating for 6 months aparently went on one of these sites every day and never changed his profile from single to in relationship. It gave me a prospective on what he thought of our relationship. As it happened he dumped me after 6 months and I was thinking dam I should have done it first.

No one will put something they don't want other people to know on there. Most of the time they are just tools to make and meet new friends. Thats what I have always used them for and that is how i veiwed them.


There is my 0.1 pence.


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I dont see the problem with viewing this girls profile, it is there for all to see, so why shouldn't you take a look?


I have met a few friends and my ex from online sites, most people are genuine on their profiles, she prob wont even know you have looked....or you coudl mention it in conversation when you meet her, and say you thought you had seen her profile on .... site and mention addding her a friend or something..

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I dont see the problem with viewing this girls profile, it is there for all to see, so why shouldn't you take a look?


I have met a few friends and my ex from online sites, most people are genuine on their profiles, she prob wont even know you have looked....or you coudl mention it in conversation when you meet her, and say you thought you had seen her profile on .... site and mention addding her a friend or something..


Why not just add her while I'm browsing?


When did you have time for tae kwon do (I mean, it's not on your schedule)?


The day before.

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