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Take the stairs instead of elevators

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That's what I've been doing since January, and my body fat went down from 22% to 15%.


you wouldn't see a difference though because I've always been thin, but I can say that my flab in the abs is slowly but surely going away


Instant workouts!


Cost: $0

Time spent: 1-3 minutes longer than you'd otherwise have if you taken the elevator

Amount of commitment: Virtually none. Just keep reminding yourself.

Membership/photo ID required: No

Special instructions: Bring an extra deodorant with you; this might make you sweat in your nice clothes.


PS. Don't try this if you have bad knees...

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D'oh- I do that anyway because I have no choice. The elevators at my school are only for the handicapped and mentally challenged. I climb three sets of stairs and am always with the same amount of loss breath. You'd think by now I'd been conditioned enough to do it without losing so much energy. But no. No, not me.

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My school (college) has elevators, but I think that they actually take longer than just walking down the stairs. It's good exercise, anyway. The last thing America needs is to be more and more lazy in regards to daily physical activity. The legs are the most important muscle(s) in your body, so it's always smart to work them so you don't end up panting and sweating after a small flight of stairs.


However, I've been to the Eiffel (sp?) Tower, and well... let's just say that's a little out of my league.


Also, if you go to a concert or something downtown and need to park in a parking garage a few flights up, it's often faster to just take the stairs then to wait and wait for the elevator to come to your floor, especially when the garage is being flooded with people.

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I've always been skinny. I usualy stay around 90 lbs, but the past year I've gained 40 lbs! Now that it's gotten warmer I ride my bike daily, and so far I've lost 10 lbs. I'm now at 120 lbs. I guess not moving and drinking more than 2 pops every day can make you gain a lot of weight.

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I paid for a bus pass to get me from school to bus station then bus station to home. But walk the 2 miles to bus station for fun. (actually that was true until this term as I passed my driving test now im bone idle)


And wow im supprised all you people have lifts in your schools we dont in ours gues that means a long walk up 4 flights of stairs, and also gues the handy capped are screwed really.



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Elevators in schools ... Someone please inform australia of this! please. LOL. I wish we had them! I was on crutches for 15weeks and had to climb the stairs for all of my school certificate exams ... (i wasnt allowed to take the tests downstairs in the case of cheating!). Well anyway, over the past four weeks, ive been running up stairs and now i can run up a flight of stairs without being all huffy and puffy by the time i get to the top. Its also helped with my asthma alot. *smiles*

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