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girlfriend problem.

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hi guys/gals, i need some advice on my girlfriend. she has been having some sort of like menstrual cramps(not too sure if it is pms or something because she said the pain normally subsides in a day) for like 2 days with bleeding. is there anything wrong with her, does she need to see the doctor? need help please, can't bear to see her in pain.

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Hi there,


What your GF is experiencing is quite normal. I usually get some mild cramps a day before and really bad ones the first day of my period and a little the day after. Yes, the cramps can be very painful and a bit annoying but it happens. Some women have them really bad and some do not.


For me, I think it varies month to month. Probably from hormone levels due to stress, diet, excersise, and other things. What helps me is taking Ibprofen (like Advil or asprin), drinking lots of water. I try to stay away from salts and soda during that time. And excersise helps too.


Unless your GF does not have anything serious such as endomitriosis, she will be fine. Just one of those things that goes along with being a woman.

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kellbell is correct, it is not abnormal to have cramping that ranges from mild to severe prior and during menstruation for anywhere from an hour or two to several days.


It's not uncommon either for it to be different from cycle to cycle. This can be affected greatly by hydration, nutrition and exercise. Calcium for example is said to ease cramping, drinking water does the same. Eating lots of processed food, sugars and caffeine can increase it. Exercise relieves cramping, yoga can do wonders.


I would only be concerned if it continued for several days for her, since that would be very out of the norm for her, and if it was accompanied with very severe, heavy bleeding, or continued bleeding long past her normal period. That may signal something more serious like endometriosis, fibroids, etc.

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First I am going to have a girlie moment: It is so sweet of you to be trying to help her in the way that you are!


Ok, sorry about that.


Period cramps are normal before, during, and after menstruation. Now, if your girlfriend's pain is so severe that she can't sit up or even stand up without feeling almost-unbearable sharp pain, than it MIGHT be something more. I thought my pains where normal but I found that I had endometriosis. It's when tissue from your uterus is really thick and is found in places other than the uterus (this causes extreme pain).


Here's a link for more info:

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She should go see a doctor ASAP!! There are plenty of clinics around for her to go to in case she can't afford it or if she does not have insurance. Check in the yellow pages. Bleeding like that when a woman is not having her period is NOT normal.


Take care and keep me informed on how things are going.

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we went to a doctor on monday and the when the doctor asked my girlfriend if she still had it and she said it stopped(i didn't check with her beforehand). the doc then said maybe her period was a bit longer this time. so gave her some iron pills and thats it. my girlfriend also say she feel better. i am worried if it will recur again.

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That is great she saw a doctor. The iron pills are to help her in case she is anemic. It is no biggie but it can make a person feel lethargic and run down. She will be ok. Just keep an eye on her and if she feels bad again, go see the doctor. Keep me updated.

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actually i don't really trust what that doctor(general practioner) say. i am trying to convince my girlfriend to visit one of those women's clinics. having a hard time convincing her its for her own good. she keeps saying she is fine now, but that is my job to convince her to go. thanks a lot kellbell for your advices and concerns.

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