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Help... Im A Security Balnket/ Love You


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I believe its a call based on your own personal judgement. I think when you truly love someone, you'll pretty much put up with anything. Its sad but true. Thats why NC is so important when you make a judgement that someone doesn't actually love you, but you still love them.

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Go with your gut, for sure.


Just thinking of when I have stayed with someone for security vs. love :


When it was for love, I did what was best for them rather than myself. Or at least what I felt was best.

Security: wanted and pushed to be with them even after they made it evident that they would be happier with some space or a change...


Good luck.

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Ever seen the movie Forrest Gump? Jenny and Forrest= security blanket...but then again, he WAS a bit mentally "challenged'. Poor guy....


Good example, I could never have much sympathy for Jenny in that movie. Make sure your box of chocolates doesn't get shared with the wrong person.

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They try to drag you around with them and the only time you get washed when their mom takes you away.


I think when the other person feels they can't function without you and is constantly expecting you to be the caregiver in the relationship. They can't do things as an individual anymore and need your approval or opinion for everything.

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