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Losing Body Fat

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Hey everyone!


I'm on day 10 of my Body For Life program. I have been keeping a journal, planning my workouts and my meals. ..(yes it's tedious but worth it).

Part of this program is wrting down your goals on what you want to achieve...

and one of mine is figuring out how much fat I wanna lose within a one or two month period. I'm on a 6 day regimine...3 days weight training and 3 days cardio..although I usually do 4. I'm eating 5-6 times a day..sometimes it feels like all I do is eat!! LOL Anyway, does anyone know what a what would be a reasonable goal within a month or 6 week period would be for losing body fat? I'm 5'4..and right now, about 122-125 lbs.



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Hey Lady Bugg! It's awesome! I'm as tall as you and I weigh prtty much the same and I'm trying to lose some weight too.


Can i ask you what you diet looks like? I'm really intersated in this.


This is a really interasting topis for me right now.


I can't answer your question though

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Do you know what your current body fat percentage is?


For your height you could only lose 15lbs before you would be at a dangerous weight. Right now your at a perfectly healthy wieght and should not concern yourself with that number. Look more at toning your body and how you feel and don't let the scale dictate you.

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Thanks Carnelian


I don't know my body fat percentage right now..I agree that I don't need to really lose a LOT of weight, just some FAT!LOL I'm thinking 7-10 lbs of fat...and maybe gain 3 lbs of muscle. I'll make an appt to get that checked...

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safe weight loss is about 1-2 pounds a week. however, the slower you take it off, the more chance that you'll keep it off!


Do you really want to lose more body fat?


For me, instead of shooting for a specific weight, I shoot for fitting into a smaller size.

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Yeah, Annie...I AM shooting for a specific size. In FACT, I organized my closets over the weekend. You know those pants you keep just in CASE you fit into them again? LOL Well, I gathered those...put them in a bin and promised myself if I STILL can't wear them in three months...they're getting donated. LOL ...


I'm not looking to "build"...basically to tone and define, but remember...fat takes up three times more space in the body than muscle..hence the wanting to gain more muscle.

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I've been slacking off lately, now I'm trying to get back into my routine. I had been on a low carb diet, but it really sapped my energy levels and I think it contributed to my stress.


I limited myself to one weigh in every week. I found it easier to concentrate on being healthy than fixated on a number. I was more concerned with how my pants fit too (22W to a 14 I'm still considered over weight and it still bothers me, but I eat no fast food and lots of fruit and veg, but I may start the low carb thing again after this crunch time goes down.

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WOW CB..That is AWESOME!!!! Good for you!!


I'm trying to balance my meals...protein/carbs with

every meal. My energy is through the roof...now I'm even 'MORE" annoyingly hyper..LOL..as a certain person so eloquently put it!!!

I agree that low carb diets ..while might work initially..they do zap that vitality and energy you need.

Are you eating every few hours?

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When I'm at home I do (mostly fruit), but when I'm on campus I tend to forget to eat .


Hopefully now that its warming up I can outside!!! I went for a long walk 1hr+ today and felt great. I usually only do abs on MWF and legs and arms on TTh(they don't need as much work), but it was too pretty today so I hiked

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CB!!!! That is great!!!!!!!! You should be proud of how far you have come!!! Never forget it!!!


yeah, as for me.... oh yeah, I've got PLENTY of those jeans in the back of my closet LOL.


Lady Bugg - you look great in that photo! Are you sure you need to lose some more weight?

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Ahhhhhh......fruit is good but full of carbs...and sugar. Balancing it with somethng like cottage cheese (if you like it) or say chicken salad is a good idea. I'm learning about portion control too....I bought measuring spoons..and realized I was WAYYY off in that dept!

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LOL Annie...I'm not really trying to lose "weight" per se...I am trying to get fit. That includes eating better. I'm eating 5-6 times a day...and have a workout regimine. Thanks for the compliment though Annie...and you have nice legs in that pic LOL

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I was just thinking about your suggestion for eating cottage cheese. I usually do eat low fat cheese, I love the skim cheese sticks. I've been on the fruit binge the past couple days since I didn't get much on the low carb. I should even out in a few days, at least when all the apples are gone . I think my problem was I've always been a fruit person and the low carb thing really hurt with no fruit, bread wasn't too bad, but apples, oh I missed apples.


PS: You have a great smile, I think that would win over most guys!

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First, you should get your body fat checked to see where it's at before making any goals related to body fat. The best method is hydrostatic weighing. I'm not sure where you live, but many universities offer hydrostatic weighing for $30-40. If you are unable to get hydrostatically weighed then skinfold calipers would be the next best method. Personal trainers at the gym or universities also offer this kind of testing. I would call the exercise science department at the university to see what kind of fitness testing they offer.


Once you know where your body fat is at then you can make goals. In general, you shouldn't lose more than 2 lbs of fat per week if you want to maintain what you've lost. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 kcal. So, that is what caloric deficit that you need to lose 1 lb. However, when one loses weight it's not always all fat. Some water, protein (muscle), and mineral is also lost.


It sounds like you are already pretty lean and fit, so even 1-2% change is body composition may be significant for you.

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