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Grrr ProActiv

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Some may know that I recently purchased the ProActiv solution which is like a face wash, toner and a cream thing which helps with skin problems.


I've used it for 1 week and 5 days. At first, I could see the improvement, my face was a little red and dry but the spots were clearing up. Now, I just seem to have LOADS. This solution is expensive and i've heard great things about it so it BETTER work.


I know not everything works for everyone but it did start to work now it seems like it's going in reverse and getting even worse. It's not the miracle solution that people say it is, it's good, but there will most likely be better.


Anyone else used it? How long did it take for your skin to clear?




Just a little rant as i'm annoyed with my appearance at the moment

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I'm using it and have been for the past year or so...


I find if I use it the 2 times a day, my skin clears up and then goes really dry. If I use it once a day then it helps, but I still break up during my period. When I stop using it or take a break, I break out again...


I don't normally break out a lot, I only took it because before my period I would and I wanted to clear away the bumps...


It's pretty good though, if you use it consitently. (My skin cleared up and was very soft within about 2 weeks)

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Oh, forgot to say. For the first 3 days i used it morning and night (which did clear my face up a bit) but it made my skin VERY dry so i started using the facewash morning and night but the toner and cream on the night only. This is when i got more breakouts. I have 2 bit red PAINFUL spots below my left eye and one painful spot beside my nose grr!


So today, i used the toner and the cream on the morning aswell, thinking about using the face mask to see if that makes any difference.


And iamteddybearfeelmecuddleme - clearisil (sp) makes my skin even worse, tried it


I hate my appearance

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USE the toner. I sometimes forget because I don't think the toners important, but it does help out a lot. The toner soothes the skin after the exfoliant.


If your skin gets really dry, use the solution altogether only once a day, the cleanser, toner and lotion either morning or night.


The face mask I used once a week...and then if I broke out more I'd dab it on the zit/pimple and leave it on over night. If your skin is still really dry, use another moisturizer throughout the day.

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If you dry your skin out too much, it will react by producing MORE oil which can clog up your pores. This is probably why another poster mentioned it seems you can get dependent on the product.


You may also want to rule out allergic reaction, especially if you are adding other moisturizers and make-up's.

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I have used it in the past and it worked for me. I did not become dependent on it either. I only used it once a day. In the AM I was bad and never washed well I still dont wash my face at night. Avoid the eye area all together. Skin usually becomes worse before it gets better. I would use the product once a day or every other day. Plus if you are using another moisturizer that could be what is throwing everything out of whack.

If you really hate it send it back and try something else.

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My face got worse about a week of using the products before it got better. My face got really red and more blemishes came out but I just figured the product was bringing all that to the surface before it finally cleared up.


Or as RayKay pointed out, you may be having an allergic reaction. Or it could be really drying out your skin.

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Yeah, i guess it always gets worse before it gets better! At least i hope that's what it is..i'm sure it's not an allergic reaction as i have used products with benzyl pro-oxide in it before.


I think you said it right. I thought I was allergic many times and gave up, but I wish now that I had stuck with it. Your face does get used to it, and it even is less dry after a bit. It just turns to normal clear skin.

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Go to the dermatologist. I went about a year ago because my acne was really getting out of control and he put me on a prescription called minocyclene. It takes about a month to work but after that, the results are AMAZING.


I had to stop taking it in October though because it makes birth control less effective but even after that, my skin stayed pretty clear and now my skin is like perfect since I got pregnant.

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I've already been to mr Doctors and he prescribed me with some tablets (unsure of their name...they are big and white lol) and they did work in the first couple of months but then they stop working. I've got to take them until June and then i go back to my doctor to see what he can do. Some people have said that the contraceptive pill helps clear up skin. Problem is, if i go on the pill, my mum will find out that i am not a virgin lol.

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I use BenzaClin cream prescribed by my dermatologist. It's basically a stronger version of Clearasil. Something about being a prescription makes me use it more frequently. I use a facial soap, toner, douse my face with water to neutralize the toner, moisturizer, and BenzaClin. It has worked really well to control my adult acne and keep the keratosis pilaris on my face at bay.


My friend had terrible acne for years, really red and bumpy all over her cheeks and forehead. She went on Accutane, had some cortisone shots for the really bad scarring, and you wouldn't believe her skin now. Crystal clear!


Everything takes time. Your skin won't clear up in a few days. Give it at least a month.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a short yet funny story to tell. I was getting my hair cut at a salon, and the guy was, "Don't buy into all of those fancy facial products. Get hemorrhage cream instead, it works wonders." I considered the thought, but since I don't use anything on my face but water anyways, I didn't buy it. I personally think washing your face with hot or cold water regularly is enough.

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I battled acne my whole life until my dermatolagist prescribed the drug Accutane. This is a very serious drug and not for everyone, but in my case it cleared my acne up completely. I still get the occasional minor breakout, and I have found these products and advice from this website very helpful.


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I've been using a generic brand of ProActiv for a couple weeks now. I've seen a lot of improvement. My skin tone is more even now, although I'm noticing that my skin is flaking a little. I think thats normal, since thats one thing these products do that makes it work-- helping the skin slough off more to avoid any more buildup in the pores.


How is your skin doing now, xblondyx?

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