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Feeling weak

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I came from Romania on Sunday, and some friends that went there became sick, as in throwing up. Yesterday I woke up nauseous and whenever I stood up and walked or even moved, I would feel like throwing up. So I stayed thew whole day in bed, mostly sleeping. Didn't eat anything the whole day, expect for a quarter of an apple. By the end of the day I was so weak, it was scary!


Today I woke up better, and I did eat stuff. But still weak, sleepy, and with a headacke. Anything I could eat to make me a little stronger? I have to study for exams in a weeks time, and hardly even studied, because I've been in Romania


Well thanks in advanced.

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do you know what it was that made you sick there? people from the united states tend to get VERY sick if they drink the water in mexico on vacation. because their bodies aren't adjusted to it as well as the natives from there. my suggestion, just let it run it's course and if it doesn't, go to a doctor. but don't eat anythnig spicy, fried, or anything else that could upset your stomach. what about some soup and PLENTY of water?

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Eat bland foods like crackers and broth soups, nothing cream based. Drink water or sports drinks with electrolites and try to rest. If you still feel sick in a couple days you should see a doctor because you may have picked up a bug from the local foods; milk, water, or fruits are usually the main cause.

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Well, it seems like you are at least getting a little better. Since this has been going on since sunday, I would say that if you are still feeling sick tomorrow, you should call the doctor, especially if you want to be better by your exams.

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thank you.


I just found out that the rest of my "portuguese team" who also went - basically all of them had/have the same thing. It is probably a virus, and I will probably check with a doc, cause I've been feeling like I'm going to throw up all day today.. but that may be psycological, because I really don't want to throw up =/ but yeah thanks ^_^

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  • 10 months later...

Well my mother thought me to swim in raw sewage just to build up my immune system. But, HEY, I was born and raised here and the first thing I came in contact when I was born was the Chernobyl disaster!

That was just a joke of course. Frankly speaking I study medicine now and I consider the most important health issue in Romania to be alcoholism right next to congenital hearth disease. I hope you didn’t catch that …

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