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Makeover Advice

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wow did you not get enough "you're so cute/hot" comments in ALL your other threads asking about how you look? Are these even your pictures? I don't think I've ever seen someone ask so many questions about how they look in such a short amount of time. What is MySpace for, anyway?


I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm not trying to be nice. You have a lot of insecurity issues. I don't think the comments are helping you if this is really your 3rd+ time asking about how you look. Or maybe you were waiting for that kind of response. Sorry if this comment is out of line, but I felt the need to say it I guess.

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My reaction is the same as xmrth's.


You've posted your picture several times and here's my opinion:


Either you know you're attractive and just like hearing it over and over (which gets old) -OR-

Like xmrth said, you have some insecurities.


The latter will not help you in becoming a brand rep..

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Please Aggie


Make some decisions for yourself. I notice you post ALOT asking others what they think. It doesnt matter what we think its what you think would be best for yourself.


You may want to go to the bokstore and find a book about self esteem. Someone who constantly fishes for compliments is seeking approval that they shouldnt have to.

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i think if it's something you want, then with work, yes it's achieveable. now, not trying to back you into a corner or anything, but are you really this unhappy with your appearance? your an attractive man but i'm thinking you rely on such comments in order to keep thinking so. realise you can be attractive as you want, but without other things such as personality, a good heart, etc. no ones going to care if your attractive or not.

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No, I'm not fishing for compliments. I'm just really bored with myself right now and I'd like to try something different. Just hoping you could give me some pointers.


I use to be insecure about myself...when I was 180 lbs at 5'2. At work, I feel that insecurity because I'm not a brand rep. I don't understand why not because the manager just asked me if I'd like to work there.

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My feelings of stores that hire you based on "hotness" are that they are worthless places and I refuse to shop there, Hollister, A Eagle, Abercrombie and the like. These places have a bad rap for doing what they've obviously done to you. But the sad thing is that you are suffering because of it, you may not feel like you have issues, but your repeated postings on here tell me that there are some problems. I would say look for a better job in a work environment that is built on equality.

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