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Sex withdrawel


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I have not had sex in 2 months since my long term relationship ended. I have not had GOOD sex in about 7 months because my ex was very "shy" in bed near the end.


I feel somewhat ashamed about not having sex. I don't want to waste my youthful vitality on nothing better then masterbating to porn.


But my problem is I have these morals that make me feel guilty and dirty when I have sex with a girl I am not in a steady relationship with. And i don't want a steady relationship right now because i am trying to find myself and learn to be single.


So how do i solve my sexual frustrations? Should i just try to forget about my morals and try to pick a girl up this weekend? Or do i just suffer with not getting any action for a long time until I am ready for a relationship? Anyone know what i mean?

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I understand what you are going through but let me tell you this. I'm sure casual sex feels good (eventhough i never had it) but making love is so much better because it involves two people who really love and care about each other. Making love goes past the physical and involves the mind. Its like having physical and mental orgasm at the same time.


Sure you havent had sex in months but stick to your morals. Yes, sex is great but its not the most important thing in the world. Your probably just missing being with a woman, and i'm not talking about physically. You probably want to connect with a women emotionally.

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So how do i solve my sexual frustrations? Should i just try to forget about my morals and try to pick a girl up this weekend? Or do i just suffer with not getting any action for a long time until I am ready for a relationship? Anyone know what i mean?



What is the point in picking up a random girl? I'm sure you'll ejaculate, come on, we are guys, we don't need a lot to do it. But it won't be better than masturbating to porn, the girl you pick will have as much meaning to you as the tissue you'll use to clean yourself after it. However, the tissue is guaranteed to be disease free, the girl is almost guaranteed to have a disease or give you trouble after that.


GOOD sex takes time, a lot of intimacy and knowing your partner, something you aint going to get with a one night stand.


Obviously, if your turn on is having sex with strangers, then it may be good for you, but I doubt that is what you are actually looking for...




And, quoting a famous person (if you want to know who, google can help), why not practice making love to the person you love the most? (hint, that person should be yourself, if it isnt, then you have to work on it)

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Yeah I know how you feel (well not exactly). But I'm highly sexual and probably about three times a week i just want to get down and dirty with my ex. but i resist the urge and i'm always glad i do. I feel like I have these gorgeous breasts and a high sex drive, so why shouldn't I enjoy these things while I'm young and can really live it up. But meaningful sex is infinitely better. I'm to the point where meaningless hookups do absolutely nothing for me. Especially if you feel guilty afterward. It's not worth all the trouble and all the bad feelings.


Yeah I know what you mean. It sucks, but it'll be a lot better when you're ready for someone who's right. You're not wasting your youth masturbating to porn. It's not like your penis is going to fall off when you're thirty or something. If you're not really enjoying the random sex, then don't waste the time and energy and guilt.

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I feel like I have these gorgeous breasts and a high sex drive, so why shouldn't I enjoy these things while I'm young and can really live it up.



Well now that we know each other, where do you live? lol just kidding


Thanks for the input everyone, i guess i will just have sacrifice my sex life for a while until i'm ready to love someone again.

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Its been almost 8months since ive had sex! It gets crazy .... the frustration i mean. But stick to your morals and they will go away. I know I know im a chick its different. But it isnt really. SusserTod has given good advice here.

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Stick to masturbation its safer and you don't have to compromise your ideals for one night of pleasure. It can get frustrating, but is it really worth contracting a disease or causing someone emotional trauma with a one night stand.


damn straight!! carnelainbutterfly you are so right!!!

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Yeah I know what you mean. Recently my frustrations are very extreme and I keep wanting to sleep with the ex again but I keep having to hold myself back! What makes it worse is how he always tries to convince me to!


It can be sooo annoying at times!

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