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Just admit it...


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Insidious eye of your screenplay twitches

While choosing your unwitting flavor of the season

Abandoned from the opening act

Liquor fueled participation and epilogue

Infected in a tide of dipsomaniacal reason


Liquidated the first lamb

Abdicate and astray on the second chance

Soon to be shunned by the descendent

Of the scarlet letter


In eidolon dreams you said, "goodbye"

It's your parable, it is what it is

Attenuated beyond repair,

However mephetic and pestilent

It's simply neither here nor there


Circumvent the destitute mother

By throwing out the one of two faces

Dependent effeminate stares into the bottle

Staring like a broken zombie

Unable to comprehend the emptiness while baby bears child

Two in front of ten by two thousand

Capricious and negligent eyes to the sky


"Why, oh why, oh why?"


Relinquish and savor the now deprived from a distance?

Malevolent indifference not emphatic humanity as elucidated

The tangled charade, a facade, has unfolded on yet another

Of a long list of many who know the truth

Congenial illustrations no more need be erected


Why don't you just admit it?

Will you ever admit it?

No stories are being assembled, maladroit and ineffectual,

Is there nothing valorous to foster?


Part vampire, part carnivore

Amalgamated Mephistophelian and malicious philosphies

Voyeuristic profligated alley cat "promiscuity"

Sing in arrogant obstinance to those that abhor

Based on fact and truth

Excuses, nouns and defensive rhetoric distract no one

For it's commonly asserted to being a...


...a label fittingly heard both before and after!


La-la-la-li-li-lie...it's all that's been composed

I and others have protected and sustained all that we've produced

Could you make the same claim?


Could the atrocities ever be admitted? Denial still lurks

Angles in the hearts of many will not be deceived

The broke Hindi God will never forgive and

The immorial matriarch cannot be hidden from the celestial and jaundiced glare


Prostitute yourself to whoever listens to your feeble fiction

Fruad rooted in all the contaminated venom concocted

By the untruthful and dirty mouth

Relegated to comprimising never existent hypocritical principles,

Harlot of the evening


Lift your head out of their laps

Whose turn is it this time?

The truth you try to drown by devouring the phallic

Pains beyond comprehension

Stop running away from the emptiness abandonment of infancy

Seeking jealous revenge on those more fortunate


Eternally deemed everlastingly hostile and impersonal

Inhuman, manipulative, audacious

Pretentious, pompous arrogance, outwardly fake and misleading

Diabolical charlatan souse begat from womb of souse

Devour to compensate for past inadequacies


Absurd and smug celebration of the epoch

While no one else shares the enthusiasm

Humanity recoils at the thought of your nativity

Shared by the progenitor and kindred


Repentless of the iniquity...extinguished the cherub

Duplicitous liasons that break honor never embodied

"God's grace" monniker, an ill applied name

An injustice to those who coined the label in the name of nobility


You only feed the tragedy

Augmenting the blood to the ghost of the antecedent

Vicariously, I laugh while the agony escalates

So much better and deserving, you than I

Just admit it

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Hi Scooter,


I read your poem once, then decided to read it another five times. I think of myself as having average intelligence and I just did not understand it. I used to write a lot of poetry, but it was pretty basic and not anything of your magnitude. Your writing seemed extremely intelligent, but seriously made no sense to me. I am guessing you have a very large IQ, but I do not. The vibe I got was that it was very conservative and discouraging bad acts or something like that. The first time I read it, I was very impressed. I then read it to try to understand it. I could not undertant it at all. It is obvious that you have a great vocabulary, but I sure can not keep up with that. Can you give me the 19 year old summary in terms of dude and like and whatever? I am definitely not saying it was a bad poem because I was so impressed, but it escaped my intelligence. I may not be as intelligent as everyone on here or not have an IQ of your caliber, but I would love to understand. Your poem sounded very intelligent, but it also sounded very dark, but I did not get it. Please explain and thank you for that amazing talent. That was awesome.

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thanks for the compliment. to be honest, there are only two people who would get that poem and that's me and the girl that it's about who i used to be involved with so it's understandable that you wouldn't understand the meaning...nobody would except for her and i. still, though, you were right about it being about somebody who has acted badly...if you knew her story you would agree completely.


i write alot but haven't lately but i heard the new tool song, vicarious, and was inspired especially since her birthday is coming up. 3 or 4 of the lines are almost direct quotes from the song athough changed somewhat to fit into the context of this poem. some may say it's plagarism...so be it but some of those lyrics inspired me to write this.


our relationship has been done for just about a year but she continued to cause problems for me up until about two months ago. this was just a way to vent for me. i was going to send it to her because it would make her so mad and it would be nice retribution for what she did and has been doing after i called it off but i decided to just be mature and post it here instead for others to read and comment on it.


as far as what it's about...she's just a bad person...the most despicable person i have ever met in my life and that's bad because i have met some bad people.


for the vocabulary...yes, i have a decent vocabulary but not as good as what this poem illustrates. since she has a great vocabulary (she was an english major) and since this started out as me planning on sending this to her i had to be both subtle so no one else would understand it except for her but also wanted to use more illustrative words to "paint" the picture the poem was painting instead of just "alcoholic, liar, horrible mother, cheater" etc.


this may sound more harsh in print than if i was actually saying it to you but if you don't understand some of the words then look them up. i do that sometimes when i'm looking for something different to describe something and also when i'm reading something and don't understand a word i read. i find it fascinating the multitude of words and synonyms we have in the english language and doing so both increases my vocabulary and helps me illustrate things in different ways. in fact, you could find out her name if you look up some of the stuff i had in there. "god's grace" is what her first name means and hindi god is the meaning of her first son's name that she abandoned.


thanks again for the compliment.


take care,


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