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Help! {Im Confused} What should I do?


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This is kinda long: I'm confused! I've had a crush on a guy for almost 1 year already. His name is Ethan. He used to be my guy friend, we were very close, I mean, he took me by the hand and we talked a lot, and like every weekend he always went to my house to visit me and in school he sat with me and my friends and talked to me.


I didn't like him when I was that close to him but I'm not sure if he did liked me. I stopped hanging out with him cause people started to say I liked him which wasn't true at the moment.


Now, he doesn't talk to me at least I'm very shy to talk to him again. I know we were friends and everything but now I'm scared of talking him, scared of rejection cause he's always been popular and very proud and his friends are like so much bad influence and I don't really know why I have a crush on him cause he' totally a player. But I mean in the hallways on school every time I'm walking by and he is our eyes lock and everything and every time I pass beside him or anything he gets nervous cause he sees me and he looks at the floor and looks at me again and he touches his hair and I see him nervous but we don't talk to each other is like he's shy and I'm shy. And I don't know what to do cause I'm very damn shy and I'm not capable of talking to him.


Now I'm confused cause well, I've a crush on Ethan for almost 1 year but the entire 1 year I haven't talk to him. Now the point of all of this is My best friend's Brother, Andrew.


Ok, I'm very confused cause lately I'm not thinking much about Ethan, I'm thinking very much on Andrew and it's like impossible cause Andrew is 5 months younger than me, his sister is my best friend and my sister has a crush on him.


I don't know what to do but like he does talk to me and when I'm with him he makes me feel good and everything he does is wow for me, I even slept in his same bed with him but nothing happened, and like I was so nervous and like not-feeling-good cause like that guy was sleeping just beside me that I only slept like 2 hours. I'm crazy or something but I always think he has a crush on me, I mean, he always likes to bother me and from all his sister's friend I'm the only one he talks to more and talks to me on school, he looks for me on the hallways and talks to me every time. He always smile at me in the hallways and when I pass beside him he looks at me and just ignore what he's doing.

And I can't tell him this cause I'm not so sure of what I feel for him and like I gotta think about my sister and my best friend. And like Im very shy.


But, when I see Ethan I forget about Andrew but when I see Andrew I forget about Ethan. The worst of all is that I Haven't seen Ethan since the last day of School and I'm on vacations and well you know, Andrew and his family is also on vacation exactly in the place I am. And Yeah, I had seen him.


I don't know what to do, please help me, anyone. I need help cause I can't tell anything of this to a friend.

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Hey hun. Jus thought I'd let you know that this is my first reply and I'll do the best I can to help you out on this. I've been where you are at this moment. Two different people do the same thing to you. Make you feel at ease and happy. Remember friendship is what you want in the end regardless if the relationship doezn't work out. Everyone haz their difference in a relationship but it doezn't mean you have to hate each other for it. With Ethan...what you need to think about I guess is if he'z goin to play you for the way your friendship has turned around. People are evil you know. Is he goin to take care of you and make you feel the way you should be feelin? Not jus to be together and then he be playin you again. Know what I'm sayin? With Andrew, really, itz how will your friendship with your friends be if you two hook up and what the outcome of both your friendship with him and his sister/your sister will be. Oh, and jus my opinion...5 monthz izn't bad. But, as I waz sayin, I think all of this is jus based on friendship and how far it will go. Don't worry if people think you like someone when you don't. Not unless they takin it too far or somethin. I know it happenz. So I guess what I'm gettin at here is jus look at the friendship part of thingz on both sidez and decide what you should do. If I didn't help out I'm sorrie hun. No one'z perfect

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Hey! Thanks for replying! I thought no one would.


Well Ethan.. he isn't the typical player I mean well.. um, the point is that he isn't that bad or evil.. lol, he isn't A PLAYER he is just a jerk with too damn proud that he doesn't talk to me, like why the hell doesn't he talk to me? What I'm saying is that Ethan is just a guy who doesn't trust in him, he isn't himself always, he cares too damn much about what would people say if he does something.

I mean if he looks at me in the hallway and always like get nervous and keep staring at me when I walk beside him, why doesn't he just talk to me? Is it just proud? is it because he is shy? or is it because he thinks I hate him? or what?


Well Andrew.. I know I can't have anything with Andrew, even though something is going on between both of us. I mean he loves staring at me, he stares at me always. Like I'm always thinking about my sister and everytime I'm with him I call my sister so she can talk to him but he hates that! he's always like "why do you always have to call your sister? why can't you just stay with me alone?". He's always like bothering me cause he knows sometimes he annoys me and he loves when I get all like "Leave me alone dude!".

But sometimes he acts like he didn't care about me. So when that happens I just ignore him, I mean, I stop looking at him and talking to him, I mean if he asks me something, I'll answer him but I won't have the whole coversation I always do. I don't do that cause I get mad or anything is just that I don't wanna sound that I care for him, that I wanna talk to him. I don't want him to think I feel something for him so I do what he does to me sometime like seem careless. And after some days he talks to me and says like "you've forgotten about me, you don't wanna talk to me anymore, huh? what did I did?".. my question is WHAT DOES HE FEELS FOR ME?


To tell you the truth, I don't want another friend I mean I love being friends with both of them but I want to have a boyfriend and I know that if I do something with one of this guys it would work. but the question is WHAT SHOULD I DO?

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Aight, my bad about the player definition deal. Haha. Well, from whatz goin on this is what I thinkz happenin. With Ethan...you two used to be friendz till you stopped hangin out cuz of tha rumor and I think cuz of that thingz got a little different between you two. Ethan not talkin to you could be of that reason. Maybe he thought you weren't feelin him so he had to back off...that is if he had somethin for you. But also, he could be actin the way he is cuz he doezn't want to disappoint his broz by chillin with you or somethin. Not jus by chillin with you or whatever but tryin to be cool and be like whatever. Know what I'm sayin? Probably not, but I tried to put it the best I can. Jus basically tryin not to be soft in front of the boyz ya know. Jus a guess. It could also be what you said before...thinkin you hate him or jus the fact that he'z shy. To tell you the truth if you two were tight before that rumor or whatever then shyness shouldn't be a problem.

With Andrew...you know you can't be with him or have anythin to do with him in a relationship so jus drop out. Don't make it obvious like jus straight stop talkin to him or whatever. Haha. Jus don't lead him on to make him think or believe somethinz gonna happen. From what you're tellin me itz obvious with him that he likez you. If he jus wants to be "alone" with you and have no one intrude then he straight up likez you. No doubt I think. He'z feelin you. But what I think is that...now not tellin you to do this but jus a thought, Andrew likes you and he sorta getz on your nervez I think so I don't think thatz gonna work. With Ethan you gotta figure out whatz goin on inside...without the boyz around ya know. Open up again and start over. Don't let people get to you or him. I member you sayin he carez about what other people think. Jus take it easy with him and I think you got a shot. If you want someone now then jus go to Andrew. But I think you want someone whoz gonna be there for you and not jus like you cuz you bring the heat when your a little mad. So, itz a shot in the dark...take it and see what happenz. Relationshipz are riskz and you got to take them if you want somethin to happen or somethin to be done. Hope I made sense.

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