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How Long How Far - lyrics on love

Daddy Bear

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lately I have wondered

how did love come to exist

was there prehistoric passion

tell me, how'd it come to this

when did the primal human

say his partner was his life

did he sing a primal love song

on a primal moonlit night


will they still need arms around them in a hundred million years

will they comfort one another, shedding futuristic tears

do you think love is eternal

I really want to know

how long, how far


lately I have wondered

was there ever love on Mars

did they ponder Martian sorrow

as they cried and played guitar

is there someone kneeling

a universe away

pledging loyalty forever

like i want to every day


do they ache on other planets when a lover strays from home

do they lie there waiting, suffocating, feeling so alone

do you think love could be out there

i really want to know

how long, how far

how long, how far


lately I have wondered

though I may not ever know

why you never come to see me

and why do I love you so

when will I forget you

do these teardrops ever dry

will i ever lose this feeling

will I miss you 'til I die

will I miss you 'til I die

I will miss you...



© slightlybent/Hear No Evil Music

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Slightly bent, I must apologize. I believe I committed a faux paux...I sent a private email to you and have since learned that it is customary to ask permission before doing so. Chalk it up to newbie-ness. Sorry if I intruded...
no worries! i've only been here about a week myself, i wouldn't have thought anything of it, and for that matter, it never reached me. feel free to try again any ol' time!


btw, i like pet, think I'll go by that goodness you said that! i was thinking i committed a faux pas by using it.
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arrgh, that's another one for me! i should have used a different term rather than seeming to correct you. where does it end? now you'll post again and say you shouldn't have mentioned the spelling difference, and then i'll feel bad for this post... help, i think we're falling into a black hole!

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