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Any way to tell him about his hair, in a nice way?


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Hey all,

It's about the same guy I met last year on May, two days before graduation. We are dating again after a kinda long while. Only last year, his hair was shave and well he looked better like that. Now, his hair is grown and well it looks like a black guy's hair, a hairdo like from the 1970's (well he is mixed, half white, half black). We hanged out two days ago and I didn't told him that he looked better with the hair shove, cuz I ain't so straight forwards. We're gonna se each other again sometime this weekend so I was wondering if there's any way I can tell him without offending him that he's better with his hair shave.

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Well, I'm more straight forward but maybe if you asked him what made him decide to grow his hair out he'll ask you if you like it. Then you can tell him you like it better shorter.


For awhile last summer/fall my boyfriend was bleaching his hair. And he's naturally blonde! I absolutely hated it and finally I just told him that I really liked it better its' natural color. He complied.

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A guy friend of mine let his hair and beard grow out, he looked like a mountain man and it spoiled his looks. He was really cute but you couldn't tell for all that hair! I said to him I thought he probably had a nice jaw line and he should show it off more. He trimmed the beard the next day and what do you know he's got a great looking face. The wild hair I hinted would be easier to control and wouldn't be in his face all the time if he just pulled it back with a hair band, not to long after he's sporting a pony tail.


Most suggestions are taken better if you give it a twist that shows how it will be more convenient for them or better for them.

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Unless it's really that big of a deal, I wouldn't even bother tell him. If he really likes it, then hey, leave him to it.


I once dated a guy--a frat boy/hockey player if that explains anything--who cut his hair into a mohawk. There were reasons behind it, of course, and I no doubt protested it. Besides, people in society are judged by their hair, I thought. How would he get a job, get internships; how can he get references looking like that? Until he became got an internship working at the school and gained a leader position in his frat, I didn't understand. Sure, people are going to judge at first. But if there is strong enough personality under the hair, noone's going to seem to mind. Heck, his mohawk even grew on me, because I liked him just that much.


If you are so inclined to tell him, it's quite possible that there's no way to tell him without offending him the slightest bit. Maybe offer to cut his hair for him? I don't know how likely the chances are of him letting you do it, but it's worth a try if it bugs you that much. You could offer to let him cut your hair in return... or not.

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Unless it's really that big of a deal, I wouldn't even bother tell him. If he really likes it, then hey, leave him to it.


I agree. If this is a matter of your personal preference versus his...well, his should win out since it's his hair.

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Haha, my bf used to have a shaved bald head... I just said that I could see he has gorgeous hair, and that it's a pity it is in fact not really there. I had very short hair as well (just a short cut), and I asked him what he'd prefer, longer hair of this short look. Now we have a let-the-hair-grow-pact


Just be subtle, or slip it in when you are already talking about hair. Don't start the convo by commenting on it.



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Thanx guys. Yea, I'll tell him a little about it next time I see him. I'll go for Scotcha's post. I'll ask him what made him grow his hair. If he does ask something about it, I'll just say I like it better shorter. But yea, at the end, it's really up to him, if he really likes it then ok, I'll just leave it that way.

As for the exchanges lilady, well when he met me, I had very long hair, till I decided to cut it short. It was just as a variation, got fed up with having long hair for years and never really cutting it, afterwards I'm letting it grow back, it is but very slow. Well on the second time he saw me, he did say he liked it better when I had longer hair.

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Thanx guys. Yea, I'll tell him a little about it next time I see him. I'll go for Scotcha's post. I'll ask him what made him grow his hair. If he does ask something about it, I'll just say I like it better shorter. But yea, at the end, it's really up to him, if he really likes it then ok, I'll just leave it that way.


Sounds like a good compromise.

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