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multiple Orgasms??


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We are still on the topic of the sensitivity right? I used to be really sensitive and my bf (now ex) used to get really upset because we could never completely finish. or id have to do things without him touching me. But after every time I orgasmed after he noticed why I wouldnt let him keep going, he would stop using his fingers or mouth or whatever, and just run his fingers down my body and start to tease me a little (sorta torturing) But really gently. Each time he got a little further and i got a little less sensitive. And now I can have multiple orgasms then have a huge one near the end ... then go too sensitive for him to even touch me! Sorry if that was TMI but i thought id let you know that in some cases it changes!

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Uhhh ... just to chime in here ... doesn't this happen to guys too? Usually (though not necessarily always) I can't stand any stimulation right afterwards, at least for a short while (say a few minutes).


i keep reading 'chime' on this forum lately.

listen to something other than panic at the disco for abit


it just sounds like people are using ' i chime in' alot.


i could be wrong tho.

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i keep reading 'chime' on this forum lately.

listen to something other than panic at the disco for abit


it just sounds like people are using ' i chime in' alot.


i could be wrong tho.

oddly, "chime" shows up in more active threads (113) that the word "wrong" (76). you may have a point.


but let's keep this thread on topic. umm, what was the topic again?

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Carnelian, faking an orgasm is as easy as being a little squirmy and tightening the muscles. Muscle spasms can be faked. My friend told me that it was like that. She has had to do it many times apparently!!


PetLady, thats what continuous torture and continuous sex, foreplay, sex foreplay, etc does to you!!!

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When my bf goes down on me and after I cum I cant stand him to continue touching, licking or doing anything down there, its just to sensative. Is this normal? Like I was under the impressiong that women are capable of multiple orgasms, one after the other without a time to recuperate. I cant handle more then one, its just to sensative!!! Is there anything to make it not so sensative after the first orgasm?


Don't worry, that's normal. Switch to doing something else for 5 minutes or so, then try going back to it. Personally I need a minimum of at least a minute before I can stand to be touched again without it feeling almost painful due to sensitivity- somedays I'll need several minutes. Those nerve endings that are so hyper-sensitive that they can cause discomfort are also the reason why women can have multiple orgasms. You just have to learn what your own refractory period is, and learn how to use the sensitivity in your favor.


There is nothing wrong with you. Don't be worried.



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I'm a man of numbers, being that I like to have hard facts and statistics. I've read a lot on here about women wanting to have multiple orgasms, or even one orgasm in a lot of instances. Here's a quick break down of orgasm capability of women.


10% - Physically incapable of ever having an orgasm

50% - Capable of one orgasm per night

30% - Capable of two orgasms per night (not multiple)

10% - Capable of three orgasms or more and/or multiple orgasms in a night


So don't feel bad if you can't have multiple orgasms, seeing as to how less than 10% of women can have them. Now, you might be inclined to argue with those statistics, and say "But I thought all women could have multiple"? The fact is that, that is not true, like I said only 10% of women can. That misconception comes from the way our society places pressure on women to have multiple orgasms, because a man is "supposed" to feel bad if he can't get his woman to have multiple. Again, more than 90% of women can NOT have multiple orgasms.


Hope that all of that helps at least one person. Although I think those stats will educate quite a few.

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10% - Physically incapable of ever having an orgasm

that should be comforting knowledge to those females who wonder whether or not they will ever achieve one. many of them have come to enotalone desperate for advice, and in order to allay their fears (which is, after all, often the problem) i have been saying without benefit of statistical reference that the chances are very slim that they simply cannot. thank you for your post.
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