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I cut too deep this time


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well turns out...all the stress i have been under especially being alone the last 2 nites and hating everything, i just needed to get away from my thoughts, so i cut, and cut and well cut more. the last time, i pressed too hard and cut too deep cause this morning, i had thought i bandaged it and usually its little superficial cuts, but it busted open again and is stil bleeding. It bled thru the bandage and onto my pants.

i have never cut like this before and i am scared. i hope i dont need stitches but it would be too late for them anyways. gonna go google what happens to cuts that are too deep and dont get stitches...

i put neosporin on it...hope its gonna stop soon and not bust open again.

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If your cut needs stitches and you don't get them you could get an infection since it will take a long time for your body to close the wound and it could scar badly. The worst risk is the infection.


If your cut is still bleeding do the following:


Place gauze or a bandage on the wound

Apply direct pressure to the wound

Elevate the cut above your heart if you can


It should stop bleeding shortly. If not, or the cut is deep, jagged, or looks inflamed you need to get to a doctor and get it looked at.

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If the cut opens itself it'd need stitches, liquid stitch is an alternative,

i highly recommend a stronger antibiotic (than neosporin),

if it's allowed to scar open it will leave a massive color changing scar


Ideally, treat with iodine, stitch it with sterilized fishing line (or liquid stitch)

if you use liquid stitch you should also butterfly it closed. Trust me, you do

not want the scar an open laceration will leave.

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Its too late for stitches, you can only get stitches within a few hours of being cut, after that the risk of infection is too high. Keep pressure on the wound for at least 10 minutes and don't let up at all during that time. After 10, check to see if it still bleeds, if so you may need to go to the ER. Neosporin is fine, but keep an eye on the area around the wound. Some swelling is normal, but if you see any red streak or inflammation extending up or down your legs go to the doctor. Use butterfly bandages, keep it clean and dry, change the dressing 2 times an day and try not to stress the area with vigorous activity.

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stitch it with sterilized fishing line (or liquid stitch)


I would not recommend that you do this yourself. You could end up with a massive infection from this. Please see your doctor. Darkblue is right, you don't want the scar this could leave behind.

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I know that a friend of mine had a wound, ( not self inflicted,) but needed stitches to close properly, but did not go and get it done. He ended up with a horrible infection once it closed on its own without proper treatment. He ended up with a staph AND pseudomona infection. That might have been a rare happening but none the less it was serious.

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There are people within a short distance of your home that go to school for longer than you have been alive to deal with things like this. Would you rather have a nasty scar and expose what you did, or have a stump below the hip? You will have to start slicing somewhere else, because you won't have a thigh to cut. You risk serious infections, among other things. Get some nice fluffy, sterile gauze, and wrap it with something (maybe an ACE bandage). Wrap it tight, but not so tight your leg goes numb. Neosporin is a good idea. Nothing else though. Take NO aspirin. It will "thin" your blood. Have someone you trust drive you to a doctor, probably an ER is best. Also, if you have some old crutches in the house, use them. Favor your hurt leg, because if your body does start repairing the cut putting weight on it could rip it again.

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thanks all...i'll keep an eye on it tonite, and keep it clean and bandaged...i may just go to the health dept tomorrow to get it seen about anyways, cause im really scared about it. I dont have insurance right now and no $$ for the ER.

I am freakin out about it.

the cut is on my thigh btw...

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Can I ask what is wrong with those people who cut themselves? I would never do silly things even if I am at my lowest point in life. I think those people who cut themselves, just have to learn how to grow up!


Woof Woof

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Can I ask what is wrong with those people who cut themselves? I would never do silly things even if I am at my lowest point in life. I think those people who cut themselves, just have to learn how to grow up!


Woof Woof

Well I think people who pass judgmental opinions on things they don't understand need to grow up.

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I have a huge scar on my knee where I split it in a T shape, the middle of it could not be stitched and had to heal openly. Let's just say you don't want a scar like that. Go see a doctor, get it stitched and over with. It won't kill you and you'll feel much better afterwards


Edit: I should probably add you don't need to say how you did it.

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this is a board about self injury correct? I have been on many medications, and thru lots of therapy for this "mental illness" it is very real, and is not something you "grow" out of. thereforeee anyone who would say such a thing should grow up or go learn a little about this disorder before trying to put someone down by making such ignorant statements.

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oh, im sorry, i forgot to say, one closed up, the other is still a little bloody, on one side of it. I think its gonna be ok. they are small...if i start noticing an infection then i am gonna go see about it,

Thanks all! i jsut didnt know what to do cause i have never cut so deep before. i feel like a complete idiot

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Yeah thats the trouble with cutting and why we'll all encourage you to look to try and quit and find other coping skills. There's always that risk of something really serious and permanent happening to you.


I'm glad the cuts are looking a little better.

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my injury is fine. its healing quite nicely.

im still cutting more than ever these days. i told my sister, and she says she will help pay for me to get some help since i have no insurance. but with the summer coming and me being a teacher, ill have 3 months to find a new job-with insurance...hopefully a state job with wonderful insurance. if i can last that long. i just keep telling myself to hang in there...just one more month...it seems like so long tho.

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