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So yes there are lot's of smokers and non smokers out there. I'm just fed up with random people telling me how bad it is for me and that it's going to kill me. To those of you who like to preach, newsflash, those of us who smoke know what it does to our bodies. I'm also really sick of seeing all these non-smoking ads on t.v. We took away the cigarette companies right to advertise, so why should these people against smoking get to advertise too? I wanna hear what you people have to say about this.

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Smoking is stinky, bad for you and just terrible, blah blah blah.


Okay, so it's a nice day, I'm on a secluded beach with no one around. I light a $10 handrolled stick of maduro paradiso and one tiny person walks a quarter mile up the beach directly to me, totally upwind of me the entire time in the onshore breeze, does a theatrical cough and tells me I'm digusting.

I smile, agree and wait for her to leave. She sticks around to glare at me.

I take a puff and she does the drama cough again.


What's up widdat?

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Smoking really bothers me especially if I have to inhale it, but I don't look at a person differently because they smoke. That would be ridiculous. Adults make their own choices, so if they want to smoke and they know the dangers, so be it. I would suggest it to a friend only once, and they can take the advice how they want to.


You're going to run into Smoke Reverends from time to time who will preach against the dangers. Just tell them that it's your body and you can do with it what you want to.


On the other hand, I dig pipes and cigars. Don't know why. I would never smoke it, but the smell doesn't bother me as a cigarette's would.

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I'm a hypocrite though. My dad smokes Winstons and I hate the smell of the smoke from them and I can't stand to be around him when he smokes. But any menthol cigarette I don't care if they're smoked around me, plus I smoke menthol.


I have a feeling I'm going to get lectured. lol.

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I hang out at an outdoor cafe. I sit in the smoking section, downwind of even the cigarette smokers. I have a double espresso and tiny Schimmelpennick cigarillo. The cigarette smokers glare at me. What happened to the brotherhood of the oppressed?

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the anti-smoking propagandists wouldn't irk me so much if they would stick to the facts, but if they did they wouldn't have much of a case. to those of us who have studied the data, the radical extent of the truth-twisting becomes annoyingly clear. rabid 'health' activists like the flabulous rob reiner believe that the ends justify the means, so it's ok to brainwash people to believe that smelling second-hand smoke can damage your vital organs since it's all for a 'good' cause.


the world health organization released a study a few years back stating that second-hand smoke is NOT a health risk of any significance, so when some rude and uninformed douche gives me a phony drama cough, i generally respond with a genuine comedy laugh.

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I have a feeling I'm going to get lectured. lol.


16, pregnant and smoking! Think of your baby!

One of my friends from highschool's mother smoked during her pregnancy, my friend was born premature and developed cancer before she was 10. She spent most of her childhood in a hospital and was horribly scarred by countless operations and suffered through so much Kemo.

You've already lost one baby, which may well have been due in part to the smoking. PLEASE STOP NOW!!!

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As an ex smoker of almost 10 years here's what I have to say. (And only because you asked.) You should quit!


I don't harass people but I can't say that I mind the new law against smoking in restaruants, even bars. I never liked smoking inside anyway because I was one of those smokers who hated the smell of smoke.


I think people/advertisments are just trying to make the reality real. It's so easy to say it won't happen to me.


If you quit smoking you'll be my hero.

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As a smoker, I like to smoke and I'm fully aware of the effects that come from smoking for a long period of time. I have never tried to quit because I have never had the urge to do so. We all die, may as well enjoy the things we like to do.

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the world health organization released a study a few years back stating that second-hand smoke is NOT a health risk of any significance, so when some rude and uninformed douche gives me a phony drama cough, i generally respond with a genuine comedy laugh.


A few years ago doctors also recommended that pregnant women smoke to relieve stress. Many a things are learned in a few years time. I would consider anyone who still believed secondhand smoke to be safe in any amount to be uninformed.


I take back my previous statement. I DO harass smokers. I harass the ones that smoke around my son and I harass the ones that are pregnant. Go ahead and kill yourself for all I care but live in denial that your habit is affecting someone else or just simply not care.. THAT I do have a problem with.

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I do think that second hand smoke does affect people and people can get sick from it. I have asthma real bad but I take medication for it so it doesnt flare up. When I was dating my ex (who was a heavy smoker) I ended up getting a nasty case of bronchitis which I had not had in over 5 years ever since I had been on my asthma maintenace medications. My doctor attributes it to being around second hand smoke. My ex liked to hang out with me in smoky bars and sit in smoking sections in restaurants, which I put up with at the time since I cared for him a lot.


It is funny because before I dated my ex, one of the biggest pet peeves of mines was people who smoked. I ended up dating a guy that smoked a lot (although he wasnt allowed to smoke in my apartment) for two years and I relaxed my attitude about smoking. I still think it is a bad habit to have and can cause some significant health problems for the smoker and those around him but I am not completely anti-smoking either.

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I don't smoke, and have never had any desire to try it. I don't lecture those whom smoke or tell them it's bad for them...most of them know it is, but I certainly do not stay around people whom are smoking. Because first hand and second hand smoke is INDEED toxic for you. It is extremely damaging, and for anyone whom says it isn't, has apparently never cared to see what kind of reaction people have around them when they smoke - they aren't faking it. I for one literally start having my lungs tighten up and I cannot breathe. I cannot, and will not be around it.


My grandfather died of lung cancer - the kind caused by smoking which makes up to 90% of lung cancer cases - 20 years after he quit. He had quite as soon as my grandmother got diagnosed with breast cancer, as it is very bad to be exposed to secondhand smoke when your immunity is compromised. When you see someone die of lung cancer, it changes your tune pretty fast. My brother was a smoker, until he saw that, and became determined to quit. No cancer is pleasant, but lung cancer literally suffocates you. You lose your voice, your breath, and you eventually suffocate to death.


Sure, life is short and you never know, but I sure will do my best to prevent my ending to be in a way that I could of prevented.


I have seen the lungs of secondhand smokers (ie those whom worked in bars/restaurants) and they show clear signs of smoke inhalation damage. Those of smokers are even worse. It also increases your risk of mouth, tongue, throat and other cancers. I had a friend whom smoked get tongue cancer caused by smoking in his 20's...he lost half his tongue. Infants exposed to smoking in the whom tend to be lower birth weights and have higher risks for illness's and even miscarriages.


Do you think the Marlboro Man got lung cancer from smelling the roses and fresh air?


The World Health Organization study that is referred to by another poster DID actually show a risk of second hand smoke - HOWEVER "Big Tobacco" in a rush to dispel the backlash against tobacco manipulated the findings of the report, and WHO spoke out several times rebutting their claims:


link removed


On another point, most of those whom advertise AGAINST smoking or have quit campaigns ARE tobacco companies. Many of those ads for quitting are supported and paid for by Phillip Morris for example. Why do they do it? Because at the same time they help others quit, they will be more that start...and this way in the future if there are ever any class action suits, they can also say they did warn people...


Smoke all you want, but don't deny the right of non smokers to have 'clean air'. Saying it's just a bunch of whiny hypochondriacs is both uninformed and just stupid given the data out there. I live in a city where there is a smoking ban in restaurants, bars, and public place basically, and it's nice to be able to go out and to breathe, and not come home smelling like an ashtray.

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My father died from lung cancer. My brother has emphysema from smoking. Smoking can kill you.

I'll probably quit, since I can go a couple of days without it. I once was a cig smoker and needed a smoke every hour or two. Quitting that was the hardest habit I ever dealt with, and I had some doozies.


Smoking is my alternative to worse things. I'm glad I have it.

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The World Health Organization study that is referred to by another poster DID actually show a risk of second hand smoke - HOWEVER "Big Tobacco" in a rush to dispel the backlash against tobacco manipulated the findings of the report, and WHO spoke out several times rebutting their claims:


link removed

thanks, Raykay. a 16% risk increase among spouses of smokers IS a significant stat. i was really wrong on that one and will be much more careful around others in my home in future. however, the same data suggests that walking into an occasional whiff in public (as opposed to subjecting someone to working in a smoke-filled bar, which is banned here in California) is NOT something to worry about, so i still don't see the need for the drama coughs.
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I've gotten a lot of great responses, but none have answered all the questions I had.


We took away the cigarette companies right to advertise smoking so why should the people against smoking have the right to advertise non smoking propaganda?

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thanks, Raykay. a 16% risk increase among spouses of smokers IS a significant stat. i was really wrong on that one and will be much more careful around others in my home in future. however, the same data suggests that walking into an occasional whiff in public (as opposed to subjecting someone to working in a smoke-filled bar, which is banned here in California) is NOT something to worry about, so i still don't see the need for the drama coughs.

Hey Bent,


It is if you are in that 16% for sure! It just shows how data can be manipulated depending on what side you are on I suppose. That is true for any case, not just when it comes to smoking.


I agree with you on the latter point - the occasional walking by it won't change your risk for cancer (though I hold my breath just because I have a sensitivitiy to it!) though some whom have certain respiratory illnesses or infections may get a coughing reaction (I know my mom for instance coughs/has trouble breathing right now among many irritants like perfume, smoke, etc due to her chemo treatments)...I am sure some do it for the drama though!

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I guess the FCC being a federal arm, is in cahoots with the Surgeon General's office. Maybe it's a collective sense of guilt for advertising cigs all these years, even on kiddie shows like The Flintstones.

I dunno, but I grew up watching TV stars smoke and push cigs in ads.

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I've gotten a lot of great responses, but none have answered all the questions I had.


We took away the cigarette companies right to advertise smoking so why should the people against smoking have the right to advertise non smoking propaganda?

They took it away because of the risk of recruiting new people to smoking. I notice in the US at least they are still allowed to advertise in print and on billboards, so they do still have avenues to advertise and they do still use them. It was a legal decision made to change the number of people starting smoking (and in the advertistements it was always the 'cool' thing to do).


For many years anytime you turned on the TV you saw pretty, thin women delighting in their smoking, even during cartoons on Saturday mornings. I think they decided this was probably not a good idea


As for the anti-smoking advertisements, I think this was also part of the government intiative. I would not so much call them propaganda though, at least not the ones I see up here - I am not sure how they are down there. They are usually ads by former smokers urging others to get help for example. I have seen some of the ones though that were the bigger campaigns - like the "pet Fang/Fluffy" campaigns too.


I see them similar to campaigns urging people to get their prostate checked, or to wear lifejackets, or to drink responsibly, and so forth.

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