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"definite answer"


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Maybe I misread what other people said on my last thread. But here it is for anyone who'd like some background info:



Which leads me to my question, the same one I asked at the very end of that thread: if I could see a show of hands how many girls would be comfortable with some guy that has been in your class for the whole year and has said but a couple of sentences to you in all that time to just come back from spring break and be like "hi! I'd like to buy you a cup of coffee. How does friday sound?". I mean there's gotta be something else... If not then I should try this with every single girl in my school... One is bound to say yes. Right? Well, how many girls think that is ok?


PS: The girl does know my name, b/c the teacher has known be for a while and well, I'm not very "low-profile" in that class so you might hear my name being called more than a couple of times per day (not for negative reasons, though, lol). So I assume that by know she'd know, given that I also know hers and everybody else's in that class.

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You are in high school and about to go to college. Do not enter in any relationships right now that can influence the outcome of your educational future. But for casual dating and just to have fun just ask her to go out. If she says no big deal.

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You are in high school and about to go to college. Do not enter in any relationships right now that can influence the outcome of your educational future. But for casual dating and just to have fun just ask her to go out. If she says no big deal.


Well, what else is there? I mean, the year's almost over so there'd be no point on starting an important relationship. But prom is coming up and stuff, so I thought I'd try to get a date or something... Well, anyway, so What do girls think?

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You know what? Nevermind then. I guess sometimes it is too late for some things. If I did want to go to prom, I guess I should've thought about meeting a girl months ago or somethings. I mean sure I would like to just do it so then I won't wonder what it was about or something. But I guess it is pointless after all. Best wishes.

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if I could see a show of hands how many girls would be comfortable with some guy that has been in your class for the whole year and has said but a couple of sentences to you in all that time to just come back from spring break and be like "hi! I'd like to buy you a cup of coffee. How does friday sound?".

I'd be happy he finally got around to asking! It wouldn't be bad for you to ask her out, even if it had just been spring break, she's not going to forget you in a week (well hopefully she hasn't ASK HER, its not goint to hurt anything!

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What's the worst that could happen? She could say no? So what? Does that make you a loser, no it makes them a loser for not accepting your offer. It's their loss.


Ask them to the prom. If they say no. Ask the shy cute girl in the back to the prom. Tell her straight up, let's go as friends, no pressure, no weirdness.


... But you never know what can happen ...


BTW, about the coffee thing, how about you said

"Hi, I'm going to get a coffee at that place afterschool, wanna come walk with me?" So you are already going and your life doesn't depend on her answer and it doesn't matter if she cares about the coffee itself or if she has money or anything. It's less direct pressure for an answer.



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You really have nothing to lose there.

The good thing about asking someone out, I think, is that there are just a few things that could happen.

1) She says yes

2) She says no

3) She says no with an attitude.


If it's the last one, you know she's just not worth it. If it's the middle one, you just got your answer straight up and move on. If it's the first one, you have a date.



I don't know if it's just me, but if someone's rejecting me, I much rather have her reject me with an attitude, because that way I move on MUCH easier.

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Thank you all for your replies. Well, yeah I guess I don't have nothing to loose, but it's still hard, because everytime I see her, well, she's very rarely alone... And I mean, sometimes we're the first 2 to get to the classroom, and I thought that'd be the perfect opportunity, but today I couldn't get there early... It was like fate plotting against me... jk jk. Well, I'll try tomorrow. Best wishes.

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