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Why is she wanting to cut again?

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My daughter quit cutting a couple of months ago when I found out about it.

She has been seeing a Psycharist & a Psychologist and she has been doing great. I'm not saying the urge hasn't been there because I know that it has, but today has been the worst day thru it all. She has been in tears on and off since she came in from school. I talked to her and she doesn't know why today has been so difficult!!! She said nothing bad happened at school today. Has anyone else had days like this and if so what can I do to help her? She hasn't cut yet, but I'm so afraid that she will.

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For me sometimes the worst problems hit after the stress had passed. I would have made it through a crisis and stayed calm and then a week later would have stomach aches and shaky hands. I'd usually want to cut after I had been stewing on something and the problems just fester and I didn't tell anyone. I wish I had someone to trust for the really bad times, it really helps just to cry it out and have a friendly voice asking you to tell them everything.

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Hey.. I used to cut too and I stopped over the summer. I used to quit for awhile and then I would just have a bad day.


Sometimes when your a teenager, hormones (trust me, mine are out of control right now) really get to you and there is no reason to be depressed but you still are. It still happens to me every once in awhile.


Just being there, not asking questions, and showing her how much you love her is the thing to put her in a better mood. From experience, it's not easy to get through stuff if your parents are down your back constantly as to why you're not in a good mood.. You have to let her have some space but just make sure she is okay and tell her you love her.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sometimes it's just like that everything is going fine but still you feel deppresed. The best thing you can do is be patient, try and get her to open up to you. If nothing is wrong it may just be that. She feels she doesn't deserve her life being that good or that it is too good to be true and something will go wrong soon. There are many possibilities of reasons why she feels this way.


If she hasn't said anything about cutting... that doesn't assure anything. You know your daughter do you think she is thinking about cutting herself or are these tears going to remain only tears.


Hope everything works out well, keep us updated.

~Take Care, MG

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