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hair problem...

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ive been shaving my arms since 8th grade. Now the hiar gets course if i dont shave like almost every single day...Should i grow it back out and get it waxed for now on or should I dye it?


Does anybody know of any products that I can purchase to make

my hair soft again because this is beginning to affect everything.

I have to wear long sleeves whenever im with my boyfriend and it

is very embarrassing.

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i never thought of hair as a problem until my bros bestfriend told me i should shave my hair off. Foolishly I listend and did so and now I can't

stop because if i do, it will look and feel aweful...


Im hopeing there is some kind of product that will smooth

out my skin and hair...


Thanks for the suggestion!!

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My friend used to shave her arms too but it never grew back very bad so I'm not sure how you would cover that up. I'd assume it's like your legs and once you start shaving you have to keep doing it. I'm sure you could try dying it but I don't know how long that would last or whatever.

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Oh, that sucks. I can relate to having hair problems.


You've got lots of options:

You could grow it out and wax, like you said. That works well except the waiting for the hair to grow long enough to be waxed again. But, when you wax you eventually kill off hairs so it doesn't grow back as thick and coarse. Over time though you could have some white hairs growing (ones where the hair follicles are dying).


You could use a bleaching product. That'd make the hair lighter. I'm not sure how it would affect softness though, as I've never gone that way. If you were to do that, you could go to a salon. I can't vouch for the products on the market and their safety. I wouldn't want you to get burned doing it at home.


You could use a dipilitory cream that kills the hair, like Nair.

These tend to be harsh, and you have to find the right one. If you have sensitive skin, some of them can burn your skin. Some are fine. I use a product from Avon of all places, ordered through mail. It's gentle.


Sunshine and tanning will lighten your hair over time too. Don't know if that is an option for you or not.


At some salons you can get special hair care treatments that soften hair and do a lightening job on it. They are fortified with conditioners so the hair stays healthy too. These can be expensive but they rock! I hry some at the place I go to that also does electrolysis and laser hair removal. These are permenant, costly ways to get rid of the hair for good.


There is also something called threading. It involves using a thread to get the hairs out. I found it painful, and it irritated my skin. But some people swear by it.


Hope that helps!

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I've used bleach in the past and all it did for me (nice French coarse black hair) was turn it near white and give me a chemical burn. As such I tend to say avoid product that are harsh chemicals like bleach, dipilitories, or even less harsh hair dyes for your head.


Laser and electrolysis are not permanent. Long term studies have shown that hair growth is decreased but regrowth will eventually occur. I've spent a little time researching this because I seriously considered it for a while, but the money needed and no guarantee it wont grow back I decided against it.

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What is it with French woman hair, eh? I've got it too!


I have actually gotten the electrolysis for certain areas that were baaad. So far I have been happy with it, no new growth. It has only been a few years though. I had no idea it can grow back! Noooo!

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My aunt said the best thing that for her was years of wearing support panty hose while she was a nurse. She has no hair on her legs now. Wish I had that problem.


Yep, it sux that it can come back, I was also worried about the possible scarring. My skins sensitive and freaks out from most anything.

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I have french in me too...I looked it up on google what i can

do about it...but they suggested pretty much the same thing.


The thing is i started out with soft feminin hair until i shaved and kept

shaving, now its course and its turned into "terminal" hair. This is hair

that a lot of guys get, not girls. So im real upset about that, it

frustrates me because theres no rewinding time so that i would of

not shaved ever....


but yeah, i hate getting waxed, it does not keep the hair soft for

long term time...most woman will be hairless for 3 weeks or more, but

me, ill get it done and then be very unhappy with the results because

i can already feel brittle hairs beneath my skin.


Im ready to just like give up...this may not be a huge issue

to most people, but for me, its an extremely sensitive topic and

im afriad ill never be able to keep a boyfriend with this kind of

problem, who would understand that I can't do anything about

my skin being rough..


no man wants a woman with rough hair on their arms, thats so disgusting and i have no idea, still what to do about this.


Scientist should of already came up with the technology to

permently remove un wanted hair...


Freak dude, this sucks..


thanks everyone for the helpful suggestions!! I do really

appriciate it

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growing it out...it sucks but its like the only thing i can think

of that will make the hair softer. I am moisterizing a lot more often

and all though there is no garastic change, I can tell the hair is

a little less brittle every day that I do not shave...

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It says "creme hair bleach", "bleach for face" and what not. Its a white box with an orange stripe up one side and the name is in script style writing on the orange part and theres a picture of a womans face. I don't know if it comes for other parts of the body, but the facial creme should be gentler.

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i never found it..I looked everywhere...including

by the sunscreens and self tanners and the hair dye isle..

I went to Walmart...where can I get this stuff, if its not there?


I am thinking about using this nair lotion to take the hair off, but I don't think I trust it to remove it all in one application ya know?


So Please help me out...thanks bunches! Yall Rock!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this exact problem.. very, very dark hair.

I used to bleach everything.. but now I wax my arms, wax/thread my stomach, bleach my back, shave my legs.

Also (I wouldn't advise this) but I waxed my sideburns.. I mean they weren't that bad.. they just annoyed me. So now I have to pluck the side of my face. I also pluck and bleach my upper lip.

If you want any advice on all this stuff you can ask me

I spend 2 hours (or more) each day removing hair.

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