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Daughter on Wellbutrin , how safe and effective is this do you think ?

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My daugther was put on Wellbutrin today by her doctor. She has had horrible mood swings and lashes out at the littlest of things for several years now. It was first thought to be her birth control pills. She had been reduced to the lowest effective BC and still had not improved.


She is a very hard driven person . She has a very stressful job as a Regional Merchandise Coordinating Manager for a well known corporation. She is not necessarily a perfectionist, but has high expectations of others. She is very smart and goes above and beyond to make her job successful. IN addition to working approximately 50 hours a week at her regular job, she works 15 hours a week at a part time office supply company after her normal daily job. I can not get her to slow down at all.


She has has been married for 11 months now, and the pressures of new married life, , work and etc , have placed alot of stress on her. She says she never feels as ease. The wheels in her head are always turning even when its her day off. She never rests her mind or body and is a Type A personality, and very high strung.


I am not familiar with Wellbutrin and am always leery of the "anti" this and that meds.


Does anyone know exactly how this medication works and how effective it tends to be in general.?? I have already read on the web about it, but I would like to hear some personal opinions if possible.


I worry horribly about her, but she only listens to herself and no one else when it comes to doing what she wants to do. She does not take heed to the words, "SLOW DOWN".


I am just venting, but would also like to hear some thoughts and comments please.

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My ex once ran the QA department of a large mental health HMO, and Wellbutrin was a very commonly prescribed and well studied therapy for a number or complaints. She was actually on it for a short time for depression, but stopped to pursue other therapy. She had no side effects.

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HI Coollady,


I have been on Wellbutrin for about 4 years. I think I will have to take it for the rest of my life. I have found no side effects. As with the other anti-deps they have physical side effects like dizziness, weight gain, etc.


This has been a life savior for me. I hope that it helps your daughter. Everyone is different. My mom always knows if I stop taking it because I start to get overwhelmed with things. I know you worry and that is just because you love your daughter and want the best for her.


Passionflower drops are a great natural anti anxiety remedy. When I feel like I am panicking I take a few drops and it does calm me down.

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I'm a rapid cycler manic-depress, Wellbutrin was the second antidepressant I was put on, I'm on #4 now. It didn't do much for me as an emotional stabilizer. It did give me some nasty stomach problems. I'm on Lexapro now and of all the stuff I've taken it seems to do a good job. I don't feel numb like most anitdep, my lows aren't as tragic and my feelings of happiness aren't neutralized, like how some drug you to a state of zero feeling.

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Like CarnelianButterfly, I used this compound (under the brand name Zyban) with little or no discernible results. On the other hand, in my case it produced no ill effects, so my opinion is that you needn't worry too awful much about your daughter taking it under a doctor's care. Furthermore, even if it does not physiologically improve her brain chemistry there could be a beneficial placebo effect. Stay positive!

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I was on Wellbutrin and I liked it a lot. I've been on a few anti-depressants/anti-anxiety medications and for depression this is the one I liked the best. I didn't have any negative side effects at all but my son's grandmother was on it and suffered from severe low blood pressure and had to stop taking it. She was actually upset because it worked so well for her.


Sometimes depression medications can be hit and miss. They work for one person but not for another.

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My SO was on Wellbutrin XL and she had a manic attack after just one pill, so they switched her to SR and it seems to be pretty good. However, it doesn't really seem to be doing anything for her so in this case it seems ineffective.


Otherwise doesn't seem to cause any problems other than an increased libido...

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