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I just cant stand it anymore..


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I cant stand the way these girls make me feel. I ive liked them for 8 months, and they dont really care, they just kind of laugh at my pity. Ive tried to get over them but.. I cant help it, to me they seem like the prettiest girls I have ever seen and I am so attracted to them.. I mean ive tried to just forget about them and just let all this pain go away but its a receding cycle, sometimes they will draw me in and say something nice that almost makes me feel like they are taking an interest and then I feel like * * * *, I think about them all of the time and I just want to talk to them. Then theyl say something that makes you feel depressed. Today this one just kept saying I was a stoner and I argued, that I wasnt and then she said I must do other drugs.. so that now I feel like a druggie or something. Just to let everyone know I have long hair, and today she said how I would look better in short hair and now I just cant shake that off, the question would I look better? You know it is just so horrible since, at first when I met them they seemed attracted to me and they even gave me signs, yet after a while I asked them and there was nothing there. The worst part of this whole thing though is that they have made me feel like utter * * * * for the past months and months, I just cant shake it away. I really dont want to be alone either, I want someone, yet these girls just change everything, my perception etc. I was always told that I would be a babe magnet by my dad since he was in highschool and I mean I have noticed girls taking an interest etc, yet when I like a girl everything doesnt work out, im shy or they just arent interested. All I want to do is make them feel the heartache that I have felt so long how it feels to be this cold, but im sure even if they read this, they wouldnt give half a * * * *.

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Man, nothing is meaner than a teenage girl. I'm so sorry you are hurting.


Making them hurt won't really help you, though.


You are "allowing" them to hurt you. Why do that? Why give them that power over you?


You can't change their response. You can only control your reaction to their responses.


Are they the only girls in your city? In my opinion, the best "revenge" is being a great boyfriend to someone who will actually make you feel good instead of bad.


Those girls sound mean, and trashy, and insensitive. Who cares what they look like? They're poison. Get away from them, stay away. This is the time of your life to discipline yourself to stay away from s*()theads. You deserve better.


Just because your Dad was the ol' babe magnet or just because he thinks you should be/are one, has nothing to do with your real life. This is your life, not his. Things will happen on your time schedule, not someone else's.


Really, I'm on your side, but maybe you need to examine why you feel the need to go after "beautiful" but unreachable girls instead of trying for a true relationship with someone of better character. Maybe if you step out of the drama of these girls, you will be able to look around and see someone on the sidelines, not in the spotlight, but a possibility for you nonetheless.


This is the time of your life when you should be meeting lots of people, lots of girls, because there's all different kinds of girls, and you date lots of girls to learn about dating and about sex and about girls and about life. Don't decide now that you only are gonna go after a certain type of girl -- you've got a whole life to live first.


Don't give up. You are unique in that you actually give a cra* and care enough to post here.

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No I like all of them. One has a boyfriend, so no point in even trying there. I liked only one of them really at first and I still like her but I got over her after I find out she liked another guy who isnt attractive at all and then I fell for the other one and asked her out and of course she only thought of me as a friend.

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Dude, I'd hate to say it, but it's your fault not theirs. WHY are you hanging out with people who make you feel bad about yourself? It's YOUR fault! Quit answering the phone when they call. Quit trying to get them to like you. Quit hanging out with them. You are doing this to yourself because you keep putting yourself around them in hopes that one would miraculously start liking you. They won't. A girl cannot fall for a guy she has no respect for, and these girls DO NOT respect you. Why should they? It's not their fault they don't respect you, it's yours for continuing to hang out with them when they act like this. You put up with their treatment and you come back for more. Quit it. It really isn't that hard to simply stop being around them.


Read the link in my signiture. It is to a thread I made designed to help guys who are struggling in the dating world. I think there is a lot of information there that will help you in the future. Not THESE girls though, as they have already formed their opinions of you. You should stop hanging out with them and giving them the benefit of your company.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like you have to be more comfortable with yourself. Thought experiment: if there was a guy who was the stoniest of stoners but was entirely happy and pleased that he was a stoner, someone calling him that wouldn't make him unhappy. He'd be like, hey, that's what I am! I'm not saying that you are stoner, and sometimes people can give constructive advice. But you have to figure out what makes you happy as a person. Don't try to live up to external standards or please other people, like wanting to be like your Dad or wanting to please a girl who makes a rude comment about you. Makes yourself happy, and like the other person said, hang out with people who appreciate and respect the way you are instead of trying to fit in with a crowd that doesn't suit you.

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