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Would you date a shorter guy?


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I wa curious,would you date a guy shorter than you? There is this guy from my school,he's got a great personality,is good-looking and we share the same interests.He fits my list for "the perfect guy" except that I'm taller than him.Not much though,but I know that if we start dating it would seem weird to everyone and I'll feel insecure because of it too.I know this shouldn't matter much,but I can't help it.I just care about stuff like that.But he's still 16 so he'll probably grow in height soon?

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My bf is shorter than me, not by much but people sometimes comment i dont have any issues with it coz i love him and i feel like he is perfect from me.


there r some downsides though, i cant wear heels when i wit him or it makes us both uncomfortable.


but other than that its all good!


if u like this guy i'd say go for it, you wont notice the height thing after awhile hehe

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Height for me is a big deal. If it's only a little off, it doesn't bother me as much, but it's when I'm 3 or more inches taller...and I'm a tall girl. I know it's silly, but no matter how perfect the guy is for me, I cannot date him if he's shorter. It's a personal issue I suppose.


If he's 16, there's still the possibility he'll grow taller. My younger brother was 5'5" until he turned 18...then he just became 6'1" practically overnight!

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personally i wouldn't date someone shorter. i like tall guys or at least a few inches taller.. i think if you really like someone and get along it shouldn't matter. he may get taller or he may not. my sister married someone just a bit shorter and they're very happy... around 16 years together or so. she doesn't care and will still wear heels cause it's true love

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I'm going through a similar situation, I'm dating a guy that is 5'5" and I'm 5'6"1/2. He's a real sweet guy, he leaves me roses everywhere, on my car, at my front door. At first his height affected me but now I really don't think it's his height that's turning me off, it's just things he says. I'm leaving my options open, I'm playing the field right now because I am only 17, don't really want anything too serious and I think this guy does. He has his whole life set up already, he's 21, going to college, he has already made junior accountant in a homeland security company. He wants to buy a house next year...I'm not even sure whats going to happen in the next year, but ohwell...

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