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spice uip the boredom


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Take a class together in something fun.

Do it in the road.

Visit out of town friends.

Throw a dinner party.

Take a trip.

Have a threeway.

Give up sex for a week and get really horny.

Get drunk.



While you're visiting out of town friends, throw a dinner party, get drunk and have a threeway in the road. After giving up sex for a week.


Uh, Dako? She's only 18.

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Would suggest that if a relationship needs spicing up at your age, it's a signal to move on.


That's not true. Any relationship can get stale if you've been together awhile. It's normal. And it's also normal to try to spice it up.


To the op, go somewhere you two have never been before. I was going to suggest a martini bar, but since you're 18, only in Manitoba


Take a long drive into the country. Have a picnic.


Volunteer together.


Play video games together ALL DAY. Get lots of junk food, order in Chinese, and play til you fall asleep in eachothers arms.


Hit the flea markets.


And so on and so forth. What you do doesn't have to be "exciting" but if it's new to you, and different, then it can spice things up.


And Dako, as usual, you had me howling

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That's not true. Any relationship can get stale if you've been together awhile. It's normal. And it's also normal to try to spice it up.


To the op, go somewhere you two have never been before. I was going to suggest a martini bar, but since you're 18, only in Manitoba


Take a long drive into the country. Have a picnic.


Volunteer together.


Play video games together ALL DAY. Get lots of junk food, order in Chinese, and play til you fall asleep in eachothers arms.


Hit the flea markets.


And so on and so forth. What you do doesn't have to be "exciting" but if it's new to you, and different, then it can spice things up.


And Dako, as usual, you had me howling




i love the video games idea.

im so glad you disagreed and said that any relationship can get stale because i was on the verge of actually belivig that.

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I think so. Regardles oof the sex, or how pretty your partner is, it gets dull if new mental stimulation is wanting. My ex and I would take night classes, see stage plays and live music, travel, cook ethic dishes and do volunteer work. Might sound strange, but it enriched life for us both and kept us interested in each other for a while, anyway.


Life is dull just working, consuming and sleeping.

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Some fun things to do together is going out for dinner. Maybe going to museums or places very scenic and interesting. Now that summer is coming, there's more places you can go to. Go to town and see the current attractions. Do a lot of driving around and exploring. I agree with the video games-- fighting games like Soul Calibur II and III are very fun, and racing games like Mario Kart-- lots of laughs my boyfriend and I have had playing those. I'd have to say those two are the most frequently played over the years.


Shopping can be fun... but depending on what it's for. Some people don't like to go clothing shopping together, but there's other things. Like window shopping in scenic places. May sound boring, but it's more about looking at all the interesting things, and even high tech gadgets. Places like that.


Those are things my boyfriend and I have done when there's not much else going on. And it's perfectly fine to get bored-- you're two separate people, and it just happens from time to time.

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It is true that any life or relationship can get boring but when you're young you have so much more energy and enthusiasm. That's the difference. Teens and early 20s are the time to explore yourself and the world around you. As a young adult you don't have the restrictions of childhood or responsibilities of later years. You just don't want to be stuck in a rut because you don't have to be.


Now if someone in their 40s had asked the same question, it would be a different answer.

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It is true that any life or relationship can get boring but when you're young you have so much more energy and enthusiasm. That's the difference. Teens and early 20s are the time to explore yourself and the world around you. As a young adult you don't have the restrictions of childhood or responsibilities of later years. You just don't want to be stuck in a rut because you don't have to be.


Young people have responsibilities too. They can't always just go "exploring". I'm 21 and next weekend I will be taking the first trip I have ever taken without my parents supporting it. I have two jobs, am a student, and have 8 mouths to feed. Ok, two are snails, so it's really the mouth apparatus. I have never been able to do "exciting" things because it's very difficult to plan something, both financially, and to get someone to walk the dogs and feed the ferrets.


I am in a relationship, as are other young people, and sometimes things get dull, we get stuck in a rut.


And that's ok. Life happens.

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Go to the zoo and make monkey noises loudly when passing parents trying to give kids an educational day out.


Get ice cream, have a food fight, tie each other up, call each other at 3am, buy a bargain bin terribly-cheesey horror flick and watch it late at night under a duvet on the sofa, cook together, have a shower together, go on holiday, push each other in a river, play cards, role play (reallife or msn), threaten to marry their siblings, creative-write together (if you are into that kinda thing), make some art together, set off fireworks, go to a museum/art gallery, try on each others clothes, air guitar together/yodel along to loud musik, have a Deep Conversation, go outside and lie under stars, write them a poem..


All the above have worked for me at some point or other ^

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