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What's your fav sex possition and why?


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Tiredman, I have my reasons for not giving anything, and I didnt mean anything bad. But you need to understand that love is not about the sex or the pleasure! In other words you are saying that you should get what you want? Is that what you meant by it? And just a little joke with the male thing. Dont take offence to that! LOL sorry if i didnt put jks next to it.

Also I didnt mention anal at all either so i dont know where that came from. Also i have not yet found a guy that gives good oral either, but i accept what im given. And yes dont worry, i pay them back in other ways. They know my rules and they know why my rules are there.

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Of course love is much more than that. I have many discussions about that very topic on here. But, if someone I love is not willing to try stuff with me, then she is not a giving or compromising person in my eyes, and that is the end of that.

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They know my rules and they know why my rules are there.


It's fine to have personal 'rules' and many people will respect them and live with them. But if someone else has their own 'rules' and they clash with yours then that has to be respected as well and they should not be criticised for enforcing theirs any more than you should be criticised for enforcing yours. If that is the case then it is best to move on with no recriminations on either side.

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In all honesty, if I was with someone who wanted to get it, and refused to give it, it would be a turn off on many levels. Someone's personality in the bedroom isn't much different then out of the bedroom.


I know I am probably going to be flamed miserably for that statement, but it's how I think.


Maybe it's a good thing this thread got all serious, since she won't be home for another two hours it's best I don't get worked up...


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My client is ready to offer a night of serial cunnilingus to your client only under the stipulation that fellatio shall be performed promptly and to full completion. The undersigned have agreed to serve as witnesses.

20 orgasms have been applied to an escrow account as a show of our good faith.

My client has been feverishly knotting cherry stems in anticipation of your agreement.

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Of course love is much more than that. I have many discussions about that very topic on here. But, if someone I love is not willing to try stuff with me, then she is not a giving or compromising person in my eyes, and that is the end of that.

But how is that being a giving and compromising person on your part? Some people don't like certain things, you have to respect that too, that is what compromise is, give and take. You have to be willing to respect their boundaries too and not demand that they try everything you want.

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True but I could agree to letting people take advantage of me all day and night as well but it doesn't make it right.


I don't think it's upfront much less the person being a sucker. I'm sorry but accepting terms like that are silly to me. Why should she get oral and how good it is if she isn't willing to do same?

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I don't think it's upfront much less the person being a sucker. I'm sorry but accepting terms like that are silly to me. Why should she get oral and how good it is if she isn't willing to do same?


Then she's definitely not a sucker now is she...




(sorry, couldn't resist)

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ok ... ive had a really bad accident as i said before. And I would prefer not to receive it if im not going to give it back. But some guys adore giving it to a chick and not receiving it back. So I pay them back in other ways. I dont know why. Even my ex, he hated getting oral but he loved giving it. It was odd. So I pay them back in other ways. And yes it did/does feel wrong, thats why after reading this, i posted a new thread about wanting to give it, but after my accidents, I dont know how I could. I didnt know how to approach it without me thinking of "what happened the last two times". Do you get what I mean? I understand what you are saying about how partners or fbs should give and take equally. And Tiredman, I am with you on the give and take thing, If im the only one giving its not fair, but ive tried it once, had an accident, tried it again something else happened. Im too scared to try it anymore. But im going to try it again. Once more. Probably like next weekend or something. I only ever try something 3 times And if all three times go wrong im not meant to do it.

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SxcLady, if the accidents you refer to were of the physically painful variety, then i can see why you would hesitate to try again, but when you are learning to ride a bike and you knock someone down, don't quit; just keep your eyes open next time. true?


if, on the other hand, they were embarrassments (vomiting, for just one example off the top of my head), my comment would be that it is probably a whole lot more common than you think and no reason to feel ashamed.


either way it doesn't make you a failure. for that matter, neither does deciding that a certain activity is not for you, if you come to that decision. just don't be too discouraged too soon.


i fully understand if you don't want to go into this subject any further; it's simply in my nature to be encouraging.

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Sorri ilovecats ... Thats my fault ... its still entertaining as long as we get off the subject of acciedents ... and sorry guys but im not taking that conversation ^^^ any further because of various reasons. Anyone know any other fun sex positions??? Or positions for foreplay? Gets boring after awhile of the same positions.

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