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Ladies- what body type is most attractive


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I know most women are attracted to personality much more then looks, but lets ignore that for this thread. Based completely on looks alone, rank the following body types from what you find most attractive to least attractive.


1 very skinny

2 thin, toned muscles

3 medium build

4 medium build with muscles

5 body builder, giant muscles

7 large, big muscles but also a good amount of fat

8 obese

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byates - this is such a broad topic and one of personal preference. There is no particular body type that is most attractive. Girls like all kinds of different things.


But for an idea of what seems to be most popular, turn on the television or pick up a magazine. They don't usually put people on those who most people find repulsive.

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I would say medium/slim build with some muscles. As the above poster said just look at your Hollywood movie start and see their body types.


Is it me or has anybody else noticed how slimmer people look younger than bigger people, especially as you get older ? (or it could be just me)

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I like a basketball build which is exactly what my husband has. He has very toned big biceps and a nice ripped 6-pack which is well-kept...he does have bigger pecks then most basketball players but they are perfect. I basically just like a toned guy who has definition and is not scrawny..but I think HUGE body builder guys are disgusting!!

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I actually think this is a very good topic.


I personally like men who are tall, and not skinny. I like a man who looks like he can protect me. My husband is 6'2 1/2 and he's over 200lbs. Some people say he's too big, but I love his body type. I like men who look like if they got into a fight...they wouldnt get KNocked out before it began.



My sister who is only 5'2 loves men who are her height and are thin. Go figure....just goes to show how many different types women like.

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Actually, as someone with personality can overshadow their faults- so can style. I like a person with style. That attracts me the most at first. It tells me they know who they are.


Secondly, their arms. Oh, baby, their arms. And okay- abs. Arms and ab. Never too balked up but "strong enough to be my man!"- hehe, that's from a song.

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CarterJonas..I know exactly what you mean...I am 22, almost 23 and people still think that I look 18. Although I'm a decent height (5'6) I have a very petite frame so people just assume I'm a lot younger. It's ok with me though, I'll love it when I'm older!

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I am the opposite of petite. I am 5'10'' and very curvy. I tend to look older than what I am (just 19). Some guy at a bar thought I was 23 once! I wish I looked like I was younger. It would be SO much better in the long run!


And to be the first to do what byates5637 actually wanted and rank the different body types mentioned:


1. medium build with muscles (I tend to go for these guys because they make me FEEL petite)

2. thin, toned muscles

3. medium build

4. large, big muscles but also a good amount of fat

5. very skinny

6. body builder, giant muscles

7. obese

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Hmm interesting this topic was discussed on a documentary last night on our beloved CBC up here. I thik the finding they came up with was men tended to assume women liked a man with 15 pounds more muscle than the women, or something to that effect. The conclusion was men tend to idealized male body aspects more than women.

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warm and breathing


You are always so funny!


Personality is all that matters to me. My last boyfriend was nowhere near the type of guy I'm attracted to but he attracted me none-the-less and I love him no matter what.


Alive, warm, and breathing tend to be the only MUST HAVES for every woman.

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thanks for the replies everyone. especially boricua, since you are the only person who actually did what i asked! Keep the replies coming, this is interesting to me.


The reason i started this thread is because i have always been a thin toned guy, but lately i have been putting on alot more muscle at the gym but i'm not really sure if i want it or not. I like being a skinny guy!


But keep the replies coming and be honest! don't worry about offending anyone....

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I like a guy who's slim but soft. Strong, but not muscular. And most importantly, tall since I'm 5'11". My boyfriend is my IDEAL body type on a guy, he's huggable, strong, had muscular arms, but a soft stomach, he's 6'2" and over 200 pounds, so has at least 50 pounds on me.


I used to like the skinny scrawny ones, but I always felt huge next to them and it made me very uncomfortable. I'm not big into the muscly guys. Someone who spends that much time at the gym and less time out there living life isin't for me. I'm not saying you can't have fun at the gym, it's just not for me.

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Ok I will give you my opinion, with #1 being the best:


1 thin, toned muscles

2 very skinny

3 medium build

4 medium build with muscles

5 body builder, giant muscles

7 large, big muscles but also a good amount of fat

8 obese


Not too much change from how you had it, but with thin, toned muscles being Ideal. Think Orlando Bloom or Lance Armstrong, both seriously hot.

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I would say medium/slim build with some muscles. As the above poster said just look at your Hollywood movie start and see their body types.


Is it me or has anybody else noticed how slimmer people look younger than bigger people, especially as you get older ? (or it could be just me)


No, it's not just you. I know lots of men and women who are 10 years younger than me but actually look at least 10 years older at minimum, because of their bulk. I agree with your assessment, slim, some muscles. I don't know about the rest of you, but I do not like the look of guys who obviously look like they've been lifting weights, it just looks like their trying too hard, and also it looks unnatural.

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...Is it me or has anybody else noticed how slimmer people look younger than bigger people, especially as you get older ? (or it could be just me)


I agree too. The kind of guys who look like they might pop if they flex are NOT appealing to me.


I tend to be initially attracted to the thinner guys who are nice and toned. I'm really tall and curvy so I tend to feel manly or butch around my smaller and more petite friends.


I tend to date medium sized guys with muscles (not buff, just well defined), however, simply because I feel like I'm a bigger girl so a bigger guy makes me feel petite and feminine. I like knowing that if I sit in a guy's lap, I won't kill him.

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I tend to date medium sized guys with muscles (not buff, just well defined), however, simply because I feel like I'm a bigger girl so a bigger guy makes me feel petite and feminine. I like knowing that if I sit in a guy's lap, I won't kill him.



Hahahaha! I feel the SAME way! I like sitting on my boyfriend and feeling petite. I still get anxious that I'm crushing him, but he assures me that I'm not. I dig that. I'm not quite curvy, but I'm not light either because of my height. I hate weighing the same as a guy I'm dating.

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Men who are TOO muscular TURN ME OFF..




I guess I like a man with a more natural build and not one who lives on diet pills and steroids. I also like men who have been through something...not spoiled men or mamma's boys.

*pukes twice*

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Hahahaha! I feel the SAME way! I like sitting on my boyfriend and feeling petite. I still get anxious that I'm crushing him, but he assures me that I'm not. I dig that. I'm not quite curvy, but I'm not light either because of my height. I hate weighing the same as a guy I'm dating.


You guys are both cute! Don't ever think of your size, there's someone for everyone! I'm very small and petite so I do not have that same problem, but believe me the world isn't paved with gold or rose petals for small women, the way some people seem to think (not you all)! Not by any means!

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Men who are TOO muscular TURN ME OFF..




I guess I like a man with a more natural build and not one who lives on diet pills and steroids. I also like men who have been through something...not spoiled men or mamma's boys.

*pukes twice*


Yep most of us seem to agree the bigger obvious muscles are a turn off! I once dated a body builder, he spent more time in front of the mirror than me, and what a weird, finicky eater! ewww!

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Nope. I like bodybuilder types. Cause I admire the devotion and work that goes into that. It's an art - and his body is a masterpiece.


As to the original question - Who cares?! I suspect you reach a certain age and these things become almost unimportant.


Any man that is willing to hold my head while I'm puking in the hospital has the perfect body type. lol.

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